Waste to Wealth: Central Government’s Bold Move to Elevate 18 Smart Cities


Brief – : Explore India’s groundbreaking initiative as 18 cities vie for the Super Smart City status, focusing on innovative waste management and turning trash into wealth. Discover how the Central Government is reshaping urban living for a sustainable future.

Revolutionizing Urban Living: India’s Ambitious Plan for 18 Super Smart Cities

In a groundbreaking move, the Central Government has devised a plan to elevate 18 out of the 100 Smart Cities to new heights of cleanliness and innovation. Named Cities-2, this new initiative will select 18 cities based on their innovative waste management proposals and how they plan to turn waste into wealth.


Innovative Waste Management Proposals: Paving the Way to Wealth

Cities participating in the innovative proposal scheme under this new plan will not only have to demonstrate effective waste disposal methods but also outline how waste can be transformed into wealth. The proposed plan, backed by the Central Government, will provide financial assistance of 80% of the total cost or a maximum of 135 crore rupees. The remaining cost will be shared equally between the Central and State governments in a 50:50 ratio.

Six Regions, One Goal: Selecting Cities Across India

The plan aims to select at least one city from each of the six regions: North, Northeast, East, Central, West, and South. The application process for the Super Smart City initiative is open until January 2024. The cities submitting projects will be invited to Delhi for interviews. The final selection of the 18 cities is set to take place in February 2024.

Expanding the Smart City Vision: Where Smart City 1 Has Set the Stage

This plan will be implemented in cities where the Smart City 1 initiative has already been launched, covering the initial 100 cities. The government’s focus is on ensuring that these selected cities redefine urban living by incorporating innovative waste management practices and sustainable development.

Shaping the Future of Urban Living

As India marches towards a future marked by sustainable urban development, the Super Smart City plan stands out as a beacon of progress. By encouraging cities to not only manage waste effectively but also turn it into a valuable resource, the government aims to create models of urban living that are both innovative and economically sound. The next few months will be crucial as cities vie for the opportunity to become pioneers in this transformative journey towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.


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