Vastu Shastra: Know the right direction of the almirah


Everyone keeps the same in it according to their convenience. But there is also a right direction to keep a wardrobe in the house. Always keep the cupboard in the south direction in the house. And when you open the cupboard, its face will open towards the north. Because the abode of the god of wealth is in the north direction. So by doing this the safe of your wardrobe never remains empty. Let us know that according to Vastu Shastra, how to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in the house, and what should be kept in the cupboard so that happiness remains in life.

equipment installation
Almost everyone worships the vault of the cupboard. But while worshiping, one thing should be noted that in the vault, establish the opulence or Dhanda Yantra. It is not necessary that you keep both the instruments. You can also worship by keeping any one yantra. By doing this your wardrobe safe will never be empty.

quince or betel nut for worship
According to Vastu Shastra, betel nut should be kept in the vault of the cupboard. By doing this, the blessings of the God of wealth Kuber and Mother Lakshmi always remain on you. If you keep quince then keep one thing in mind that the quince is small and keep changing it from time to time. Supari takes the form of Shri Ganesha and Goddess of wealth, Goddess Lakshmi. By doing this the abode of Goddess Lakshmi becomes permanent.

According to Vastu Shastra, there is a right way to keep Bhojpatra in the cupboard. Take an unbroken bhojpatra and write Shri with the help of peacock feathers from red sandalwood which will be dissolved in water. By doing this you will start seeing its effect in a few days.

turmeric root
According to Vastu Shastra, turmeric is considered very auspicious. In the vault of the cupboard, tie a lump of turmeric in a clean yellow cloth and keep some codia, silver and copper coins along with it. Otherwise, you can take some rice, make it yellow with turmeric, tie it in a yellow cloth and keep it in the vault.

perfume bottle
According to Vastu Shastra, a bottle of perfume or sandalwood can also be kept in the vault of the cupboard. Along with this, coins of brass, copper, yellow cowry, dakshina conch, or silver coin can also be kept. PLC/GT


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