Today is Polling Day in Amritsar – The Campaign Diary : By Arun Jaitley


Arun Jaitley{ Arun JaitleyArun Jaitley }Today is Polling Day in Amritsar. Having spent past six weeks in Amritsar campaign in this heat, it will be time for me now to move to other states where elections are still being held. An integral and enjoyable part of the stay in Amritsar is obviously the food in this city. I have always regarded Amritsar as the Food Capital of India.

The Kulchas and chanas of Amritsar have now created a national impact. Every top caterer in most parts of India has the Amritsari dhaba counter as an integral part of his menu. The Kulchas in Amritsar served with chanas with an option of having onion Chutney is now available in almost every eatery in the city. The kulcha Chana is a preferred menu for breakfast, lunch or even dinner.

Breakfast in Amritsar is still the stuffed Parantha or the Poori Chhole. The city has a tradition where households still prefer to outsource the poori chhole from the famous Halwais rather than cook it at home. Most parts in the old city have their own special Halwais. But the most famous one in the city is now ‘Kanahiya’ at Lawrence Road. The chanas are mixed with potatoes for the curry preparation. This breakfast is highly recommended but should be taken rarely because of its high caloric value. The Amritsari Lassi is available at most of these Halwai shops. But ‘Ahuja’ and ‘Gyan’ have acquired a special reputation. Either of them will provide an excellent treatment for insomnia. ‘Kesar’ still continues to dominate the vegetarian preparations. It enjoys a reputation for being the most famous dhaba in the city. ‘Bharawan’ with its chain of dhabas, under the name of ‘Bharawan’ or ‘Brothers’, is the also recommended for vegetarian food for the tourists and the locals.

For the non-vegetarians it is ‘Surjit’ all the way. His Tandoori chicken, Amritsari fish and mutton champs (cooked like Old English cutlets) are highly delicious. The ‘Makhan’ fish has been a gourmet’s delight. What I have not tried so far but has been recommended to me is ‘Beera’ known also for its high quality chicken.

The morning tea at the ‘Giani’ Tea Stall initiates the entire gossip which circulates in the entire city.  This was my alternative to the Lodhi Garden Tea.

I foresee a situation where some of these outstanding places will acquire a brand value across the country.


Arun Jaitley

**Arun Jaitley

*Disclaimer: The writer is  Leader of Opposition Rajya Sabha  and the views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC..


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