The traditional dimensions and attends in adequate measure to the imperatives of non-traditional security : Vice President


Vice President of India, M. Hamid Ansari, Vice President of India M. Hamid Ansari , 20th Anniversary Conclave Vision,Delhi Policy GroupINVC,

The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari has said that the external environment and India’s own vision of its role would be of relevance. India’s own preference, in immediate and medium terms, would be strategic autonomy to create an external environment that is conducive for rapid development. We would seek mutually beneficial cooperation with all. Interests would converge, and diverge, particularly in the neighbourhood and the challenge would be to our ability to work together, handle differences and compete and cooperate at the same time. Addressing at the 20thAnniversary Conclave ‘Vision-2034’ organised by the Delhi Policy Group” here today, he said that thus the determining factors would be capacity and vision. Neither can be taken for granted; both can be developed. Both require a comprehensive approach to national security that goes beyond (but does not exclude) the traditional dimensions and attends in adequate measure to the imperatives of non-traditional security.

The Vice President said that some years back a distinguished sociologist had opined that an optimal view of security is obtained when three pitfalls are avoided, namely genocide, ‘culturocide’ and ecocide. It is evident that the goal in any such endeavour should be Human Security that has to be comprehensive and all encompassing rather than selective. It would of necessity be cooperative rather than competitive.


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