The attitude of these countries against terrorist organizations has not been satisfactory


Finland and Sweden have formally applied for membership of NATO, the world’s largest military alliance. This application is in the form of a letter written by the foreign ministers of both the countries.

This will now be discussed in the North Atlantic Council. It may take up to a year for both the countries to get its membership. Meanwhile, the leaders of Finland and Sweden are to meet US President Joe Biden at the White House. This meeting in itself is very special.

In this meeting, where Russia’s attitude can be discussed, many other big issues can also be discussed. The special thing is that both these leaders have been invited by President Biden himself for discussion. Both the countries have filed the application only after the approval of the proposal to join NATO in their respective parliaments. Russia will also definitely keep an eye on Finland and Sweden’s meeting with the US President.

Turkey’s attitude is also likely to be discussed in this meeting. Let us tell you that Turkey has opposed making both these countries members of this organization. Turkey says that the attitude of these two countries against terrorist organizations has not been satisfactory.


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