Some facts about the game Andar Bahar


INVC NEWS       

New Delhi,

Andar means ‘inside’ and bahar means ‘outside’ in Hindi. Andar Bahar is a popular card game believed to have originated in Bengaluru, India. It is also referred to as Katti or Mangatha.

It is a betting game which is traditionally played without real money. It is considered as a quick and easy game and there are no limitations to the number of people participating in the game.
Andar Bahar is one traditional popular game which is totally portable in nature. All you need is a deck of cards with no requirement of gaming tables, wheels or chips etc. When the game is played online it becomes truly mobile as you can enjoy playing with other online players on your PC, mobile or tablet. In that sense, the game is literally mobile.
This game is a combination of luck and educated guesswork. A single deck of 52 cards is used for the rapid fire game play. The chances of winning in the game is 50/50 and depends on pure luck.

The left side of the gaming table is called andar and the right side is called bahar. The pack of cards is cut to reveal a card which all players can see. The core idea of the game is that when the cards are cut and dealt the players have to predict which side of the table an identically numbered card to the chosen card will appear. Players place bet on whether the card with same face value will appear in andar(to the let) or Bahar (to the right).

Andar Bahar is an utterly exciting and fast paced card game. While as mentioned earlier the game is purely good luck based and there are no tricks as such in the game which can increase the chances of success. Like other card based games of chance here too there is no strategy guides which can genuinely promise odds of winning or promise a payout. In this game all you can do to boost your chances of winning is to understand the game properly as in how dealing and betting works before you start to play.

There are many online websites that offers this game to play or free. In fact many professional casinos have a free play version of the game.




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