Unlocking the Secrets of Rebirth: Insights from the Geeta

Rebirth from the Geeta
Rebirth from the Geeta

New Delhi : The Shrimadbhagwat Geeta, often simply referred to as the Geeta, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata. It serves as both a spiritual and philosophical guide. One of the core teachings of the Geeta revolves around the concept of rebirth and the eternal journey of the soul.

The Immortality of the Soul

The Geeta explicates that the soul, or atman, is immortal. While our physical bodies may perish, the soul remains unaffected. Lord Shri Krishna, in his discourse to Arjuna, elucidates that there was never a time when neither he, nor Arjuna, nor any of the kings and soldiers present on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, ever did not exist. Similarly, they will all continue to exist in the future. This eternal nature of the soul is a foundational belief in many Eastern philosophies and religions.

Secrets of Rebirth
Secrets of Rebirth


The Cycle of Rebirth

Just as we change worn-out clothes for new ones, the soul discards an old body to adopt a new one. This cycle of birth, death, and rebirth continues until the soul achieves moksha or liberation. It’s an unending journey, and our actions, or karma, play a pivotal role in determining the nature of our successive lives.

Determining Our Next Life

Contrary to the common misconception, our next life isn’t determined by an external force, but by our own thoughts, actions, and desires. The Geeta asserts that our present life is a result of the cumulative effects of our past actions, both good and bad. Moreover, our thoughts at the time of death play a significant role in deciding the course of our next life.

The Power of Meditation and Remembrance

In the eighth chapter of the Geeta, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna, “Yam yan vapi smaranbhavam tyajatyante kalevaram. Tan tamevaiti kaunteya sada tad bhaavbhavit.” Translated, this means that whatever one contemplates upon at the time of death, one will attain that state in the next life. This underlines the importance of living a life filled with positive thoughts, actions, and emotions.

The Significance of Naming After Deities

Naming children after deities, such as Ram, Vishnu, Krishna, and Govind, is a prevalent tradition in many parts of India. This practice stems from the belief that by repeatedly chanting and remembering God’s name during one’s lifetime, one will inadvertently meditate upon the divine at the time of death, paving the way for a favorable next life or even moksha.

The Role of Desire in Shaping Our Destiny

Desires are powerful. They shape our thoughts, drive our actions, and ultimately determine our destiny. The Geeta advises that while desires are natural, one should not become enslaved by them. By mastering one’s desires and living a life of righteousness, one can influence the trajectory of their soul’s journey.

The Path to Self-Realization

The Shrimadbhagwat Geeta offers profound insights into the nature of existence, the eternal journey of the soul, and the role of karma. By understanding and internalizing its teachings, one can lead a life of purpose, contentment, and eventual liberation from the cycle of rebirth.


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