Say Goodbye to Shanidosh: Overcoming Astrological Challenges with Dhuni

dhooni puja
dhooni puja

New Delhi ,

Do these very miraculous tricks with Dhuni, you will get freedom from Shanidosh , In Hindu religion, various practices are followed to seek the blessings of the Gods and Goddesses. Dhuni is one such practice that has been followed for centuries. It involves burning various substances like incense sticks, frankincense, and neem leaves to purify the environment and promote positive energy. This practice is believed to have many benefits, including the removal of negative energy, curing diseases, dealing with domestic problems, and getting rid of Shanidosh.

In this article, we will discuss the various benefits of using Dhuni and how it can help in getting rid of Shanidosh. We will also explore some tips and tricks that can help you make the most of this practice.

Removing Negative Energy

Negative energy can be harmful to your mental and physical health. It can cause stress, anxiety, and depression. Dhuni is an effective way to remove negative energy from your surroundings. According to astrology, burning yellow mustard, jaggery, and frankincense in a vessel and lighting incense sticks in the evening can help remove negative energy from your house. This practice should be done continuously for 21 days to experience positive energy in your house. This practice also helps in bringing the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, who is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

Curing Diseases

It is said that wherever there is positive energy, Goddess Lakshmi also resides there. Burning neem leaves at home at least once a week can help kill bacteria in the house and keep people healthy. Neem leaves have antibacterial and antifungal properties that help in purifying the air and promoting good health.

Dealing with Domestic Problems

Domestic problems can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. To deal with such problems, the smoke of googgle should be offered by burning utensils on any day once a week. This practice can help in bringing peace and harmony to your house. Googgle is a type of herb that has been used for centuries for various medicinal and spiritual purposes.

Getting Rid of Shanidosh

Shanidosh is a common problem faced by many people. It is believed that worshiping Peepal tree and lighting incense sticks on every Saturday can help in getting rid of Shanidosha. Shanidosh is caused by the planet Saturn, which is associated with hardships and obstacles. By worshiping Peepal tree, one can seek the blessings of Lord Shani and reduce the effects of Shanidosh.

In conclusion, Dhuni is an ancient practice that has been followed for centuries to promote positive energy and remove negative energy. It has many benefits, including curing diseases, dealing with domestic problems, and getting rid of Shanidosh. By following these practices, you can seek the blessings of the Gods and Goddesses and lead a happy and prosperous life.


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