Sawan Adhik Month 2023: Marriage, Naamkaran, Shraddha, Ear Piercing, and Deity-Pratishtha etc. Prohibited


Haridwar, Kashi : The year 2023 brings with it an auspicious and unique occurrence in the Hindu lunar calendar – the arrival of Adhikamas during the month of Sawan. Adhikamas, also known as Purushottam maas, is an additional month that appears every third year, extending the usual twelve-month calendar. In this article, we will explore the significance of Adhikamas, its duration, and the activities that are prohibited during this sacred time.

1. Introduction

The month of Sawan is highly regarded in Hinduism, associated with devotion, rituals, and prayers offered to Lord Shiva. In 2023, the month of Shravan will witness the occurrence of Adhikamas, extending the auspicious period.

2. What is Adhikamas?

Adhikamas, as per the Hindu lunar calendar, occurs approximately every third year. Instead of the usual twelve months, the lunar calendar extends to thirteen months during Adhikamas. This additional month carries special significance and is considered favorable for performing various religious and spiritual activities.

3. The Duration of Adhikamas

In 2023, Adhikamas commences during the month of Shravan. The month of Sawan will start from 4th July and conclude on 31st August, while Adhikamas will begin on 18th July and end on 16th August. Consequently, the month of Shravan will span a total of 59 days, accommodating eight Mondays, including the Mondays and Shivratri falling within Adhikamas.

4. Auspicious Activities during Adhikamas

Adhikamas provides a favorable time for significant life events and ceremonies. Some of the auspicious activities that can be performed during this time include:

4.1 Fixing Marriage and Engagements

The sacred bond of marriage can be solemnized during Adhikamas. Engagements and matrimonial alliances can also be finalized during this auspicious period.

4.2 Purchasing Property and Assets

Adhikamas is considered an opportune time for acquiring land, houses, or buildings. Those seeking to make real estate investments or purchase properties can seek the blessings of this auspicious period.

4.3 Shopping and Auspicious Occasions

Shopping for auspicious events, such as festivals or special occasions, is considered favorable during Adhikamas. It is advisable to consult an astrologer for identifying an auspicious time before making any significant purchases.

4.4 Other Auspicious Rituals

In addition to marriage and property-related activities, Adhikamas provides an ideal environment for performing other auspicious rituals such as naamkaran (naming ceremony), Shraddha (rituals for ancestors), ear piercing, and deity-pratishtha (installation of deities).

5. Prohibited Activities during Adhikamas

While Adhikamas brings favorable conditions for certain activities, it also prohibits the performance of specific rituals and events. The following activities are considered inappropriate during this sacred month:

  • Marriage ceremonies should be avoided during Adhikamas.
  • Naamkaran, the naming ceremony for newborns, should not be conducted.
  • Shraddha ceremonies, dedicated to honoring ancestors, are not performed during Adhikamas.
  • Ear piercing rituals for children should be postponed until after Adhikamas.
  • Deity-pratishtha, the consecration of idols, should be deferred until the conclusion of Adhikamas.

Observing these restrictions during Adhikamas is believed to be in harmony with the spiritual significance of this sacred month.

6. Conclusion

The arrival of Adhikamas during the month of Sawan in 2023 presents a unique opportunity for devotees to engage in auspicious activities and seek divine blessings. This additional month adds depth and significance to the spiritual journey, offering a favorable environment for significant life events, property-related endeavors, and auspicious rituals. While some activities are encouraged, it is essential to respect the prohibitions during this time, adhering to the sacredness of Adhikamas.


Q1. What is the significance of Adhikamas? Adhikamas is an additional month that appears in the Hindu lunar calendar approximately every third year. It provides a favorable environment for performing significant life events, property-related activities, and auspicious rituals.

Q2. When will Adhikamas occur in 2023? In 2023, Adhikamas will coincide with the month of Shravan. It will begin on 18th July and conclude on 16th August, extending the duration of Sawan to 59 days.

Q3. Can marriages be conducted during Adhikamas? No, marriage ceremonies are traditionally avoided during Adhikamas. It is considered inappropriate to solemnize marriages during this sacred month.

Q4. Can I perform the naming ceremony (naamkaran) for my newborn during Adhikamas? No, naamkaran ceremonies are not conducted during Adhikamas. It is advisable to postpone the naming ceremony until after the conclusion of this auspicious period.

Q5. Are there any restrictions on ear piercing rituals during Adhikamas? Yes, ear piercing rituals for children are best deferred until after Adhikamas. It is recommended to perform these rituals once the sacred month concludes.

In this article, we have explored the significance of Adhikamas during the month of Sawan in 2023. Adhikamas provides a unique opportunity for devotees to engage in favorable activities while adhering to certain prohibitions. May this sacred month bring blessings, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment to all.


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