Sale of over two million copies of “You Can Win” in 16 languages, puts “You Can Win” in a different league and makes a mark in the publishing history




Shiv Khera, the internationally renowned motivational speaker released Special Edition of You Can Win with VCD at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. On this function upon achieving the bench mark of crossing two million copies of his bestseller, we are releasing a special edition of You Can Win.

This book has changed the lives of millions of people and is the best selling book in India. Written in an easy to read, practical, common-sense approach that will take you from ancient wisdom to contemporary thinking, You Can Win helps you dispel confusion in daily life and clarify values.

The book helps you to evaluate if you are going through life out of inspiration (playing to win) or desperation (playing not to lose). It translates positive thinking into attitude, ambition and action that brings in the winning edge.

. Shiv Khera, the internationally renowned motivational speaker released Special Edition of You Can Win with VCD at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
. Shiv Khera, the internationally renowned motivational speaker released Special Edition of You Can Win with VCD at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.



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