Sai Hira Global Convention Centre Inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Focal Point for Spiritual and Academic Discussions


New Delhi :The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, inaugurated the Sai Hira Global Convention Centre in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh via video conferencing. The event was attended by prominent dignitaries and devotees from around the world.

In his address to the gathering, the Prime Minister expressed his congratulations for the event, even though he could not physically attend due to other commitments. He acknowledged the blessings and inspirations of Sri Sathya Sai and expressed his happiness at the expansion of his mission through the inauguration of the Sai Hira Global Convention Centre. The Prime Minister expressed confidence that the new center would provide a blend of spirituality and modernity, creating a unique experience. He highlighted that the center would serve as a hub for discussions on spirituality and academic programs, bringing together scholars and experts.

The Prime Minister emphasized that ideas are most effective when they are put into action. He also mentioned that alongside the dedication of the Sai Hira Global Convention Centre, the Leader’s Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Global Council was taking place. He praised the theme of the event, “Practice and Inspire,” and emphasized the importance of good conduct by leaders in society, as they serve as role models. He mentioned that the life of Sri Sathya Sai is a living example of this.

The Prime Minister discussed India’s progress in various fields, highlighting the country’s advancement in technology and the economy. He mentioned that India is now one of the top 5 economies in the world and has a thriving startup ecosystem. He also noted India’s competitiveness in sectors like digital technology and 5G. The Prime Minister highlighted that 40 percent of real-time online transactions in the world occur in India and urged the devotees to contribute to making the entire district of Puttaparthi a digital economy. He suggested that with collective efforts, the district could achieve this goal by the next birth anniversary of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

He acknowledged that the transformation in the country was a result of the contributions of every social class. The Prime Minister commended organizations like the Global Council for their role in promoting knowledge about India and fostering global connections. He referred to ancient scriptures, stating that saints are considered like flowing water, continuously contributing and making efforts. He emphasized that the birthplace of a saint does not limit their followers, as true saints become representatives of people’s beliefs and cultures. He praised the saints for nurturing the spirit of “Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat” (One India, Great India) for thousands of years.

The Prime Minister quoted Sri Sathya Sai on the power of service and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to interact with him and receive his blessings. He remembered Sri Sathya Sai’s teachings such as ‘Love All Serve All,’ ‘Help Ever Hurt Never,’ ‘Less Talk More Work,’ and ‘Every Experience is a Lesson – Every Loss is a Gain.’ He acknowledged the deep sensitivity and philosophy of life in these teachings. The Prime Minister also recalled Sri Sathya Sai’s compassionate assistance during the Gujarat earthquake, emphasizing his belief that serving humanity is serving God.


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