Rules for Preventing Heart Attack Deaths




Heart attack deaths can be prevented said Padmashri and Dr B C Roy National Awrdee Dr KK Aggarwal President Heart Care Foundation of India and MTNL Perfect Health Mela.

1.      Rule of 30 seconds: Chest pain, burning, discomfort, heaviness in the center of the chest lasting for over 30 seconds and not localized to a point unless proved otherwise is a heat pain.

2.       Rule of pin pointing finger: any chest pain which can be pin pointed by a finger is not a heart pain.

3.      Rule of forty: First onset acidity or first onset asthma after the age of 40, first rule out heart attack or heart asthma

4.      Rule of 300:  Chew a tablet of water soluble 300 mg aspirin and take 300 mg Clopidogrel tablet at the onset of cardiac chest pain. You will not die.

5.      Rule of ten:   Within ten minute of death for the next ten minutes do effective chest compression with a speed of (10 x10) 100 per minute. 80% people can be saved.

6.      Rule of 180: Reach hospital within 180 minutes in heart attack for receiving clot dissolving angioplasty or clot dissolving drugs.



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