RSS has captured Indian institutions: Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi
Rahul Gandhi

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, in a conversation at Chatham House in London, termed the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) as a ‘radical’ and ‘fascist’ organization and alleged that it has captured almost all the institutions of India.Rahul Gandhi Said, “The nature of democratic competition in India has completely changed and this is because an organization called the RSS – a fundamentalist, fascist organization has basically taken over all the institutions of India.”

The Congress MP highlighted the condition of Dalits and minorities in India. He said, “In India you can see what is happening to Dalits, Adivasis and minorities. It is not that only Congress is saying this. There are articles all the time in the foreign media that there is a serious problem with Indian democracy.” How successful have they been in capturing it?

Press, Judiciary, Parliament and Election Commission are all under threat and controlled in one way or the other.” Rahul Gandhi said, “You can ask any opposition leader how the agencies are used. I had Pegasus in my phone, which was not happening when we were in power.”

Earlier, the Congress leader launched a scathing attack on the Center during a lecture at Cambridge University, alleging that the basic structure of Indian democracy was under attack and that Israeli spyware Pegasus was being used to snoop on his phone. Rahul claimed that he was warned by intelligence officials to be “careful” while talking on the phone.

Because his call was being recorded. He said, “I had Pegasus on my phone. A huge number of politicians had Pegasus on their phones. I’ve been called by intelligence officers, who told me, ‘Please be careful about what you say on the phone, because we are a Recording things in a way. So this is the constant pressure that we feel.


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