Research Scholars throng in Intellectual Property Workshop – Organized Jointly by IGNOU & University of Lucknow


Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights jointlyINVC NEWS

About 700 Research Scholars, Faculty members and other stake holders participated in a Intellectual Property Rights sensitization Workshop jointly organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University & University of Lucknow. Scholars from various scientific institutions, Central University like BHU, AMU, BBAU and from various department of Lucknow University got registered themselves for this programme. The Programme began with the lighting of the lamp followed by Sarawasti Vandana. Dr. N.K. Pandey, Director IPPR welcomed the guest and the delegates from various organization and said that with workshop may be very useful for them by citing examples of infringement of Intellectual Properties. Dr. Manorama Singh, IGNOU Regional Director in her opening remark said that Intellectual Property was very valuable for scholars and to make them aware about various contours this academic conclave on IPR was organized and there has been an over whelming response from various academic quarters. Prof. S.B. Nimse, Vice Chancellor, Lucknow University chaired the inaugural session and delivered the inaugural lecture. He said that with the implementation of General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs, the IPR issues have taken a very important role in the global society and hence this workshop in collaboration with IGNOU was organized as IGNOU is having a systematic curriculum in intellectual property rights. He said that in country like India where the documentation of indigenous knowledge is week, the research community should be cautious about their novel work. He also emphasize that scholars working for Biotechnology and agricultural sector should get their innovative knowledge protected for the larger interest of Indian farmers whose livelihood depends upon agriculture through small landholdings.

In technical sessions, Dr. Askand Pandey from Ram Manohar Lohia Law University, Dr. Ashwini Kumar Deputy Director ignoudeliberated details on issues of trademark and copyrights, he said that Indian culture there was a tradition for free knowledge sharing but with the concept of Intellectual Property borrowed by Western world, copying or claiming others knowledge and innovation can be disasters for any scholar knowingly or unknowingly. He elaborated the fair use doctrine and cited the instances by how scholars can avoid violating the copyrights laws. He also laid emphasis on the issues of plagiarism and advised the scholars how they can prevent their work from being plagiarized.

Dr. Shashi Rana from Council from Science & Technology gave an elaborate Dr. Askand Pandey from Ram Manohar Lohia Law Universitypresentation on various aspect of IPR which are relevant for research scholars. She said when there is any applied research it leads to some novel technology which should be patented. She said that the students should be aware about the different aspects of protection of their novel ideas, designs, creation and expressions. She also elaborated the job opportunities as patent officer especially for women as lot of trained people are required. She said that more research should be undertaken in IPR fields and Universities should evolve an IPR policy for research scholars. Dr. Sripathi Rao Kulkarni from CDRI gave a lecture about various aspects involved in writing patent application and the procedures which scholar should follow filing patent claim.

Mr. Rupendra Kumar Porwal, a legal expert delivered on various legal aspects of patents followed at international level. He also explained the economics which relates with the intellectual property and how the scholars can protect their ideas, inventions and expressions at international level. Mr. Anshuman Upadhayay,Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights jointly,invcnews Asisstant Regional Director discussed about the academic curriculum in intellectual property rights and patents being conducted by IGNOU which can be useful for research scholars in their systematic training of IPR. A feedback session was also conducted after the technical sessions.

The workshop ended with vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Deputy, Director and the compeering by Dr. Anamika Sinha, Assistant Regional Director IGNOU


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