PRO turns Director with a thrilling horror flick!




A horror flick without any gory blood fights or scary monsters is a rare in this genre. But what “2 nights in soul valley” has achieved is a notable feat which required prodigious effort from the writer/director of this film, Harish Sharma. Beating the old school of thought for horror films, 2 nights in soul valley manages to give you an eerie feeling and brings you to the edge of your seat without any blood or murder.

The entire film survives on nail biting mystery and suspense that keeps you engrossed in the film, throughout. Also, the most fascinating and surprising element of the film, 2 nights in soul valley, is the fact that it is based on a true life incident which took place in Pitthoragarh, Uttarakhand.

This is the first film of Media Consultant turned Director, Harish Sharma, which will be the opening film at the Film Bazaar of the Goa Film Festival. The screening will be at 11:00 am on 24th and 26th November, 2011.
The director of this film is quite excited with his new venture into films. It has always been his passion to write and direct films, and is glad that he can contribute to Indian cinema with this film. Also, very soon he will start working on another project which is in its nascent stage right now.

The film is about a group of friends who plan a trip to the Soul Valley and the numerous creepy encounters occurred in that 2 night trip. The cadence of the film is very upfront and bold and the fact that it is based on a real incident adds up to the fear of the viewer. Right from the planning of the trip to the valley, till the sudden disappearance of one of their friends, the film manages to leave an effect on the viewers.

The role of the mysterious and strange Forest Guide aptly paid by Hemant Pandey, ‘Pandeyji’ of ‘Office Office’ fame is very convincing. The entire star cast has done justice to the film which in turns makes for a great watch for the audience.

Produced by Pinta and Dahel productions, Chandigarh, the star cast of this film are Suumit Sharma, Akshi, Gaurav Shah, Sumeet Sharma, Milli Moonstone and Meenakshi. The music and background score of this film have been composed by Varsha and Milli Moonstone.


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