Pragun Jindal pens a beginners guide on black money menace, its reasons and solutions to curb


Former-Chairman-CBDT,-SudhiINVC NEWS
New Delhi,

Money Worries’ latest offering The Black White & Grey – Re-Coloring The Rupiah penned by a 20 year old CA aspirant Pragun Jindal is a beginners guide to educate Indians especially the Youth on the black money menace and ways to help curb it. The book was unveiled today at New Delhi in the august presence of Mr Manish Tewari, Senior Congress Leader and Mr Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Senior Journalist and Social & Political Commentator par excellence.

It is agreed by all that Black Money has been one of the major curses on the Indian economy and many economists have pointed out that if Black Money creation is curbed in India – the speed of growth of our economy would be many a times more than what has been witnessed lately. The current government has taken a major step in demonetization of the higher currency but the battle has just begun. Follow up steps will only tell us whether our country would be rid of the Black Money menace or not.

Even though the current steps taken by the current government has brought a lot of focus to the Black Money menace in the country we feel there is still a lot to be discussed on the subject. There is a lot of lies, unknown facts and baseless rumours about Black Money  and it seems a lot more education is required to clear the myths in the minds of the citizenry and more so in the Indian Youth. The book tries to solve these issues in a beginners style.

In this book, the Author unfolds this dark world, which eats into an idea of an equal world where the rich get richer staying on the dark side while the poor are marginalized. There are tricks to keep the cover of darkness intact and every time an effort is made to lift the veil, the tricks become sharper.

Pragun Jindal, Author, The Black White & Grey says “A delinquent like poverty, only affects the poor, unemployment affects those who are unemployed, alcoholism and drug abuse affect those who devour them, black money is a hitch which does not affect persons who amass “black dough” but it affects the common man in the populace”. Pragun further adds, “Also, there are shades of grey apart from the Black and White shades of Money and my book also sheds light on this.”

This book looks at the world that thrives in the shadows, fueled by money that exchanges hands in the dark and never gets reported – “The Kala Dhan.”

Akhil Jindal, Chairman, Money Worries and Director, Jindal Equity Research, says “We have been trying to find color in this bi-colored black and white world. When it comes to color of money, it gets more covert and enthralling. We have been hearing about black money being amassed away in benami bank accounts and chuparustam lockers, tax havens and even in big boots of imported bravura cars of loaded businessmen, corrupt officials, mafias and some honest politicians. Pragun has very eloquently penned a book which talks about all of these apart from the new-age currencies of the world like bitcoin.”

About Money Worries: Headquartered in New Delhi, Money Worries was launched in 2014 and upholds the highest tradition of publishing books of quality in genres like Non-fiction, Academic, Business, and Education by both Indian and International authors. Money Worries core focus is to create financial literacy amongst the youth and get the gen-next involved in economic affairs of the country. Money Worries has a footprint across India and is the publishing arm of JER Limited.

JER Limited is one of India’s ace think tanks with interests in Public Policy, Administration and Analysis of Reforms. JER Limited partners with government leaders, working to drive growth in the Indian subcontinent, raise living standards and strengthening educational & financial sectors. They also develop an unequalled amount of high quality knowledge, data, and analytics, on both India and Asia-specific topics.

About Author: Pragun Akhil Jindal is a 20 years old student who lives in New Delhi. He is pursuing his graduation from Delhi University (Commerce Honors) and is on course to complete his Chartered Accountancy soon. An avid debater, he completed his schooling from The Shri Ram School. Pragun is a writer by day and reader by night.  He has previously interned with Times of India and also writes for news-media blogs like Youth Ki Awaaz and ICAI Student Journal. He has received several awards in the field of “thinking out of the box” like Prayukti Award from TSRS. Public Policy, Public Administration and Financial Economics are his varied areas of interest.

“Pragun believes cashless transactions are the future of the economy.” He thinks the conundrum of black money has developed to such an extent that the youth needs to take prompt action to curtail this delinquent to invent a bright future. He wrote his first book ‘The Black, White & Grey’ as a beginners guide to black money menace in India and to increase its awareness amongst youth, after he saw that many Indian youth had very less knowledge about the subject and the perils of this menace. He is a fervent traveler and adventure enthusiast. He cycled from Seattle to San Francisco in United States of America covering a distance of 1400 kilometers approx. in 12 days with the motive of creating environmental awareness.


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