PM Modi is preparing to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Tamil Nadu


New Delhi . Prime Minister Narendra Modi is preparing to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Tamil Nadu. His personal image has been damaged in the Karnataka assembly elections. It is being said in political circles that the entrance to the south is closed for the BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will retain his personal magic by contesting from the southern state of Tamil Nadu. With the aim of winning 25 out of 39 Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu, Modi is preparing to contest from Tamil Nadu. When he contested from Banaras. Even then he had shown his magic in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

This is considered to be the biggest reason behind bringing Singol to the inauguration ceremony of the Parliament House and installing it in the Parliament House. A Brahmin from every famous temple in Tamil Nadu was airlifted to Delhi. When these Brahmins presented Singol to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has started the scheme by bowing down to the Brahmins while prostrating. It has also been widely publicized in the media. Especially in the states of South India, there has been talk of religiously establishing Singol in the local language.

So far no Prime Minister of India has been made from Tamil Nadu. Former Congress President K Kamaraj Nadar was to become the Prime Minister after Nehru. But at that time Lal Bahadur Shastri was made the Prime Minister because Uttar Pradesh had the maximum number of Lok Sabha seats. After that, an attempt was made to make KG Moopanar the Prime Minister as well. But it could not be possible.
88% of Tamil Nadu’s population is Hindu. The number of Brahmins is the least in this. More than 50% Hindus belong to Dalit and backward classes. More than 30% Hindus are divided among other communities. Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to try his luck by going among the backward and Dalits. Its well-planned strategy was made several months ago.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is currently a Member of Parliament from Banaras. He is representing Uttar Pradesh. If he becomes the Prime Minister by winning the Lok Sabha elections from Tamil Nadu, he will be the Prime Minister of Tamil Nadu for the first time. On this pretext, the Bharatiya Janata Party wants to strengthen its hold in the southern states.

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has been expanding its reach in Tamil Nadu for the last several years. In this expansion now Tamil Brahmins have also been included. By linking Tamil Nadu with Hindu kings and Hindu history in the form of Singol, Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans to contest elections from Tamil Nadu by doing Dalit and backward politics among Hindus, as part of a well-planned strategy to dent the vote bank of DMK and Anna DMK. are making.

The blow to the personal image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Karnataka assembly elections. Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to prove it once again through Tamil Nadu that his magic has been made. In Tamil Nadu where BJP does not have a single Lok Sabha seat.

BJP is preparing a strategy to win 25 seats there. There is no indication yet whether PM Modi will contest from two seats, or will contest alone from a Lok Sabha seat in Tamil Nadu. It is believed that the Prime Minister will definitely contest from Tamil Nadu this time. This time the southern states will compensate for the loss that will happen in North India. Singol and Tamil Brahmins would unite the Hindus in the southern states.


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