PM Modi is in completely refusal mode on Chinese infiltration


Congress leader Rahul Gandhi claimed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is completely denied for Chinese infiltration within the border of India. He said in a conversation with the Indian Journalists Association in London that we do not allow anyone to enter our area and we are not allowed to intimidate anyone. But in recent years, the Chinese entered our region and killed our soldiers, but the PM is completely denied. This is a big problem.

Claiming that 2 thousand square kilometers of Indian territory is being controlled by the PLA of China, Rahul Gandhi said that the PM himself has said that not even an inch of the Indian land has been taken. After his statement, how can it be interacted with Beijing about this.

The Congress leader accused the BJP of distorting his statements and claimed that he was being defamed the country when he was defaming the country. He said that the BJP prefers to distort my statements. But I can never discredit my country. It is not a crime to tell the truth of the current situation. The truth is that when our PM went abroad and said that there has been no work in the country in 70 years of independence, the people of India felt insulted.

He also claimed that the opposition is working in hostile environment in India, as it is no longer fighting with any political party, but is now fighting the institutional structure of India. We have to compete with the BJP-RSS, which has captured all our independent institutions. He alleged that voices are being suppressed across the country. The BJP wants India to be silent, because it wants to hand over the entire property of the country to only 4-5 people.


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