PM condoles loss of lives in Moscow blasts



New Delhi,,

The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, has condoled the loss of lives in the bomb blasts in Moscow and has expressed India’s solidarity with Russia in combating violence and terrorism. In a letter to President Medvedev, the Prime Minister said the blasts were a most tragic and horrific act of violence.

The text of the Prime Minister’s message is as follows:

“It is with great anguish that I have learnt of the bomb blasts in Moscow, which have led to the loss of so many innocent lives. This is a most tragic and horrific act of violence. At this difficult hour our thoughts are with you, the people of Russia and the families and friends of the victims of this terrible tragedy. On behalf of the Government and people of India, I convey our deepest condolences. I wish to assure you that India stands united with Russia in combating the forces of violence and terrorism.”


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