Pitru Paksha Food Taboos: What to Eat and Avoid During Ancestral Rituals


Kashi  : Get ready for Pitru Paksha 2023 with our comprehensive guide to sacred eating and drinking. Discover the spiritual essence of this observance .

Maintaining Sacred Food and Drink Practices During Pitru Paksha

The Pitru Paksha, a solemn period in the Hindu lunar calendar, is a time dedicated to seeking the blessings and peace of our ancestors. It is believed that during this fortnight-long observance, our ancestors visit the Earth, and by performing righteous deeds and following specific customs, we can honor them and receive their auspicious blessings. One of the most crucial aspects to consider during Pitru Paksha is our dietary and drinking habits. In this article, we will delve into the significance of adhering to these practices and understand why it is essential to do so.

The Holiness of Pitru Paksha

Pitru Paksha typically falls in September and lasts until mid-October. It’s a time when families come together to perform Shraddha, a sacred ritual to pay homage to their deceased ancestors. During this period, various ceremonies, pujas, and offerings are made to ensure the peace and well-being of the souls of departed loved ones.

Sattvic Food: The Divine Diet

One of the central tenets during Pitru Paksha is the consumption of sattvic food. Sattvic food is considered pure, wholesome, and devoid of negative energies. It is believed that the ancestors, during their brief earthly visit, are sensitive to the vibrations of the food we consume. Therefore, those performing Shraddha should abstain from eating food prepared outside their homes. Eating out is considered impure from a religious perspective during this time.

The Significance of the Sixteen Days

Pitru Paksha spans over sixteen days, and it is crucial to maintain a strict sattvic diet throughout this period. The observance commences on the 28th of September and culminates on the 14th of October. To ensure the success of the rituals and appease the ancestors, it is imperative to adhere to these dietary restrictions right from the beginning.

Abstaining from Inauspicious Foods

Meat, chicken, and other non-vegetarian items are strictly prohibited during Pitru Paksha. These offerings are considered inauspicious and are believed to hinder the rituals meant to honor the ancestors. Consumption of meat, fish, eggs, and alcohol is discouraged, as it may lead to the ancestors’ displeasure. Neglecting these customs can even result in the dreaded Pitrudosh, a condition believed to bring misfortune.


The Role of Onion and Garlic

In some Hindu religious texts, it is mentioned that consuming onion and garlic should also be avoided during Pitru Paksha. These pungent ingredients are categorized as tamasic, and their consumption is said to affect an individual’s senses negatively. To maintain purity and sanctity during this sacred period, it is recommended to prepare food without onion and garlic.

The Key Takeaways

As we prepare for Pitru Paksha, it is vital to remember the significance of adhering to these food and drink practices:

  1. Sattvic Diet: Embrace sattvic food, prepared at home, to ensure the purity of offerings to the ancestors.
  2. Sixteen-Day Commitment: Commence the observance from the beginning, on the 28th of September, and maintain the sattvic diet for the entire sixteen days.
  3. Avoid Inauspicious Foods: Abstain from meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and alcohol to prevent hindrance in the ancestral rituals.
  4. Onion and Garlic: Consider avoiding onion and garlic to maintain the sanctity of your food offerings.

In conclusion, Pitru Paksha is a sacred period to honor our ancestors, seeking their blessings and peace. By meticulously following these food and drink customs, we show our respect and devotion to our forefathers, ensuring a successful and spiritually enriching observance.


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