Pitra Paksha September 2022 – What are the remedies to get rid of Pitra Dosh


Pitra Paksha September 2022 – What are the remedies to get rid of Pitra Dosh

Pitru Paksha has started, how can you get rid of Pitra Dosh of your horoscope in Pitru Paksha, how can you get rid of Pitra Dosh of your life in Pitru Paksha, how can you get rid of Pitra Dosha of your business in Pitru Paksha, this article makes this article. have been tried

As soon as Pitru Paksha begins, lakhs and crores of people offer prayers for the peace of the souls of the ancestors. They do Shradh so that there is happiness in their house. Do you know that due to Pitra Dosh in the horoscope, many big problems come in our life. Generally this yoga is formed by Rahu. The special conditions of Rahu create this yoga. But by taking some special measures during Pitru Paksha, we can get rid of the effects of Pitru Dosha. Let us tell you today how Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope and what are the ways to avoid its effects.

disadvantages of parental dosha
Due to the presence of Pitra Dosh in the horoscope, there are obstacles in the path of progress. If there is mental trouble in the life of the person. There is no family balance. Even after earning a lot of money in life, there is no prosperity in the house. It is very difficult to make decisions on your own. There is also failure in examinations and interviews. If there are too many obstacles in getting a child, then it is a sign of having Pitra Dosh in your horoscope.

Because of this also Pitra Dosh can happen
If the parents have been neglected in the previous birth or you have not fulfilled your obligations properly, then there may be a problem of Pitra Dosh in the horoscope. Apart from this, even if you have misused your rights and powers, chances of Pitra Dosh in the horoscope become high.

Pitra Dosh is caused by these misfortunes
If Rahu is corrupted in the horoscope or if Rahu is related to religion, then Pitra Dosh occurs. If the conjunction of Rahu is with the Sun or the Moon, or if there is Guru Chandal Yoga in the horoscope or if the center position is vacant in the horoscope, then Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope.

What are the remedies to avoid Pitra Dosh?
To avoid the effects of Pitra Dosh in the horoscope, feed a poor person on the new moon day. Be sure to include kheer in this meal. Plant a Peepal tree and take care of it. Read Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta daily in the morning. Light a lamp every evening at the place of worship of the house. If the matter is more complicated then get the recitation of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta done.

If you get freedom from Pitra Dosha, then you can get happiness and prosperity as well as good health. Removal of Pitra Dosh not only brings happiness but also gratifies the ancestors. PLC/GT


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