Pakistani-American Defense Agreement Revived After 18 Years

Pakistan, America
Pakistan, America

Washington : Pakistan and the US strengthen military ties after 18 years with a renewed security memorandum. Dive into the implications of this landmark agreement and its potential impact on joint military exercises and weapon acquisitions. Learn more here

Pakistan has signed a new security pact with America. Express Tribune has made this claim in its report. With this, new defense cooperation can start after the long-standing tension between the two countries. At the same time, the way for Pakistan to get new weapons from America will also be cleared.

The Shahbaz cabinet has approved the Communication Inter-Operability and Security Memorandum of Agreement. No official announcement has been made by any country regarding this agreement yet. A few days ago, Pakistan Army Chief General Asim Munir met the Chief of the Central Command, General Michael Eric Kurilla. Then there was an agreement between the two to increase cooperation at the level of defense with bilateral.

This agreement between Pakistan and America was first signed 18 years ago in October 2005, which ended in 2020. Now both the countries have signed it again.

Due to this, many things like joint military exercise, training, weapon deal between Pakistan and America can start back. Pakistani army uses weapons made by American companies. According to the report of Tribune Express, now after this agreement America can start supplying arms to Pakistan again.


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