Obama and Bill Clinton came with Biden against Donald Trump


Washington : The difficulties of Donald Trump, who is claiming the post of President of America for the second time, are not decreasing. It is now being told that former US President Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have supported Joe Biden. On the other hand, Trump has not been able to get the support of even former President George Bush of the Republican Party.

Now, Joe Biden, coming from the Democratic Party, has got the full support of former President Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for the second term of the presidency. In such a situation, Trump’s concern has increased. In fact, on Thursday, in an event organized in New York to raise funds for Joe Biden’s election campaign, former President Obama and Bill Clinton expressed their support and also set a new record in collecting donations.

It is being told that through this program, for the first time in the electoral history of America, a record donation of more than Rs 2 billion, 8 crore has been collected. It is a different matter that Joe Biden is being shown lagging behind in the election surveys, but in reality he seems to be gaining a lot of support. Along with this, it is being told how Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, who raised the most money in the 2016 presidential election.

Let us tell you here that in the Radio City Music Hall program, the 42nd and 44th President of America have given a clear message that the 45th President of the country, Donald Trump, should not become the 47th President of the country. With this, everyone is working hard to strengthen the claim of the 46th President. In this program, the leadership power that led the Democratic Party for three decades was seen together. The presence and conversation of three former US Presidents together on stage during the program has attracted everyone.


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