Now government employees will get yoga break in office


The tension of work in government offices is becoming the reason for mental and health related problems of officers and employees. The effect of work load and other pressure is visible on their health. In such a situation, to make the employees and officers feel healthy and fresh, the government has planned to implement yoga break in the offices.


The State Government’s Yoga Commission is working for this. The Commission is going to hand over the responsibility to Collectors and Superintendents of Police at every district level to do yoga in the offices. If the officers who made this draft in the Yoga Commission are to be believed, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan also wants the government machinery to be fit and serve the public with ease. When the Commission put this proposed suggestion before the Chief Minister, then the Chief Minister also immediately gave the green signal to it. Only after this the Yoga Commission has agreed to go on a district tour.

The changing work style has also affected the work culture. Also, due to continuous working on computer, people experience stress in most of the places-office. Due to stress, the efficiency of the people is getting affected as well as the productivity is also decreasing. Many researches have also revealed that due to work pressure in the offices, the risk of many types of diseases has also increased in the employees and officers. Now the Yoga Commission has found its solution.

Stressed government machinery due to work load in government departments will now get respite from yoga. The Yoga Commission of the State Government is going to hand over the responsibility for this to the Collectors and Superintendents of Police at every district level. The commission will start work on it from next week. Yoga Commission Chairman Ved Prakash Sharma says that this ambitious program is being started under the direction of the Chief Minister. The tour of the districts will be started from next week. Where a committee will be formed under the chairmanship of every collector and yoga will be started in all the departments.

The government believes that government machinery is not only getting stressed due to the work load in the departments, but incurable diseases are also affecting them. There are many government servants, who are not able to recover completely even after spending huge amount of money in their treatment. As a result, yoga is the only powerful medium for this. To run this ambitious program continuously, the Yoga Commission is going on a district tour next week. The chairman of the commission himself along with his team will reach the districts as per the fixed time-table. There separate meetings will be held with each collector and superintendent of police.

Collector SP alone will not attend the meeting. The meeting of the Collector will be held in the District Magistrate’s office only. During this, all the department heads will be called. Similarly, the meeting with the police captain will be held in the police line, where the responsible officers of the department will be included.

The commission says that a yoga committee will be formed at the district level to connect every servant in the government departments with it. A committee will be constituted under the chairmanship of the collector. Whose secretary will be made the district education officer and coordinator in charge of yoga training of the education department. In this, people from other areas related to yoga expertise will also be kept as members.

The commission says that in the district where the meeting will be held, this committee will be formed only in the presence of the collectors. Various postures and actions of yoga will also be explained here. Yoga training in-charge will play an important role in making government servants proficient in the practice of this oriental science.

Officers in the commission say that yoga will not be limited to the collector’s office only. which is being drafted. Under this, government servants will do yoga daily in government schools, hospitals and other offices set up at every block, tehsil, court station and panchayat level. Collectors will fix one hour time for daily yoga. According to the same time, the government servant will have to do yoga.


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