Nirjala Ekadashi : the Do’s and Don’ts Unlock Spiritual Bliss Embrace


New Delhi – : Ekadashi Tithi, a specific lunar day in the Hindu calendar, holds a significant place in religious texts. It is believed that observing a fast and worshipping Lord Vishnu on this day can bring various forms of happiness and liberate individuals from their troubles. Among the Ekadashis, Nirjala Ekadashi stands out as the most prominent one. Occurring in the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon) of the Jyestha month, this Ekadashi holds immense importance. In the year 2023, Nirjala Ekadashi falls on Wednesday, the 31st of May. Let us explore the do’s and don’ts associated with this sacred day.

Significance of Nirjala Ekadashi

The Jyestha month holds a special place in the Hindu calendar, and within it, Nirjala Ekadashi stands as the most significant Ekadashi. It is considered the grandest of all Ekadashis due to its unique characteristics. The term “Nirjala” refers to fasting without consuming water. Unlike other Ekadashis where one can consume water and specific fruits, Nirjala Ekadashi demands a strict and complete fast. This particular observance is known to yield tremendous spiritual and physical benefits to the devotees.

Do’s and Don’ts on Nirjala Ekadashi

A. Don’t eat vindictive food

On Ekadashi Tithi, it is crucial to maintain purity and avoid consuming tamasic foods. The scriptures emphasize refraining from foods such as meat, eggs, onion, garlic, and hot spices. These types of foods are believed to stimulate excitement and restlessness within the body, leading individuals towards negative thoughts and actions. By abstaining from vindictive foods, devotees can maintain a state of tranquility and spiritual elevation.

B. Don’t do any drugs

Intoxicants such as alcohol and cannabis are strictly prohibited on the day of Ekadashi, including Nirjala Ekadashi. The consumption of these substances can impair judgment and lead to undesirable actions that go against one’s spiritual well-being. It is essential to remain sober and conscious, as intoxication can hinder one’s ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Therefore, on this sacred day, even accidental consumption of any kind of intoxicant should be strictly avoided.

C. Practice celibacy

Observing celibacy on Nirjala Ekadashi is considered an integral part of leading a sattvic (pure) life. According to scriptural teachings, individuals should maintain celibacy not only in their physical actions but also in their thoughts and words. This means refraining from indulging in lustful thoughts and avoiding engaging in discussions or actions that deviate from the path of purity. Practicing celibacy on this auspicious day helps individuals to maintain a higher level of consciousness and spiritual focus.

D. Don’t get mad at anyone

Nirjala Ekadashi is a day to embody the qualities of peace, love, and forgiveness. It is essential to spend the day in a sattvic manner and refrain from anger or ill feelings towards others. Even if someone makes a mistake, forgiveness should prevail. One should cultivate patience and tolerance, avoiding the use of harsh or hurtful words. The scriptures teach that those who behave inappropriately on Nirjala Ekadashi are bound to face negative consequences, hindering their spiritual progress.

E. Don’t eat rice

Although fasting is a fundamental aspect of Nirjala Ekadashi, even those who do not observe a complete fast are advised to abstain from consuming rice on this day. Consuming rice on Ekadashi Tithi is considered a grave sin according to religious scriptures. It is believed that indulging in rice on this day can lead to unfavorable outcomes, such as being reborn as a worm in the next life. Thus, avoiding rice during the observance of Nirjala Ekadashi is highly recommended.


Nirjala Ekadashi holds immense spiritual significance in the Hindu tradition. By observing the do’s and don’ts associated with this day, devotees can experience profound benefits on a spiritual and physical level. Remember to avoid vindictive foods, drugs, anger towards others, and the consumption of rice. By adhering to these guidelines, one can cultivate a peaceful and elevated state of consciousness, paving the way for spiritual growth and well-being.


  1. What is the meaning of Ekadashi Tithi? Ekadashi Tithi refers to the eleventh lunar day in the Hindu calendar. It is considered an auspicious time for spiritual practices and devotion.
  2. Why is Nirjala Ekadashi considered the biggest Ekadashi of the year? Nirjala Ekadashi is regarded as the most significant Ekadashi due to its strict fasting rules, including the complete abstention from water. Devotees believe that observing this Ekadashi yields greater spiritual benefits compared to other Ekadashis.
  3. Can I consume dairy products on Nirjala Ekadashi? While the consumption of dairy products is generally allowed on Ekadashi, it is recommended to consult with one’s personal beliefs and practices. Some individuals choose to observe a complete fast, which includes abstaining from all forms of food and beverages.
  4. Are there any exceptions to the fasting rule on this day? Nirjala Ekadashi demands a strict and complete fast, without even consuming water. However, individuals who are unwell, elderly, or pregnant are exempted from this stringent practice. They can modify the observance according to their physical capabilities.
  5. What are the spiritual benefits of observing Nirjala Ekadashi? Observing Nirjala Ekadashi is believed to purify the mind, body, and soul. It is said to bestow blessings, spiritual elevation, and liberation from past sins. Devotees also seek the fulfillment of desires, overall well-being, and proximity to the divine through the observance of this Ekadashi.


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