My first visit will be to Uzbekistan


modi invc newsINVC NEWS
New Delhi,
The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has shared few posts on his Facebook page, regarding his upcoming visit to five Central Asian nations and Russia

Prime Minister’s posts,” On 6th July I will begin my visit to five Central Asian nations and Russia, where I will participate in the BRICS and SCO Summit.

My first visit will be to Uzbekistan, which is the most populous country in Central Asia. India and Uzbekistan enjoy a close strategic partnership. In Uzbekistan I would be holding talks with President Karimov and we would be inking key agreements to strengthen cooperation between our countries. We want to expand our economic ties with Uzbekistan and enhance trade and economic linkages. I must add that President Karimov has visited India five times, including four times as President, with the last visit taking place in 2011.

It is well known that Indian movies, language and music are very popular in Uzbekistan. In fact, the Uzbek radio completed 50 years of Hindi broadcasting in 2012. During this visit I would be interacting with Indologists, students learning Hindi and members of the Indian community. There are over 3000 Indians in Uzbekistan.

It was in Tashkent that we lost one of our most popular and respected leaders, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri ji, who ignited our Nation with the clarion call of ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.’ I will be paying my tributes to this proud son of India during the visit.


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