Line of Actual Control : Infantry battalion is being equipped with new weapons to enhance its operational capability


The infantry battalion is being equipped with new weapons to enhance its operational capability

Infantry battalions in Arunachal Pradesh guard the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China. Now their fighting edge is being sharpened further.

For this, they will be equipped with new weapons, which include light machine guns, assault rifles, rocket launchers, unmanned aerial vehicles, all-terrain vehicles and high-tech surveillance gear. An officer familiar with the modernization of the army has given this information.

The helipad capable of handling multi-mission Chinook helicopters will also be included for rapid deployment of troops and weapons in remote areas, the official said. Even the new satellite terminals along the border will further strengthen the communication capability.

Brigadier Thakur Mayank Sinha, commander of a hill brigade stationed in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, said, “Infantry battalions have been at the forefront of fighting. They are being equipped with new weapons to enhance their operational capability.

This important change is happening at a very special time.
The new inductions include Negev light machine gun of Israeli origin, Sig Sauer assault rifle from US, Swedish Carl Gustav Mk-3 rocket launcher, indigenous Swift unmanned aerial vehicle, all terrain vehicle from US and digital spotting scope for better target identification. Are included. Brigadier Sinha said that the objective is to develop capacity, build infrastructure and provide training on operational roles.

Commander Brigadier Sinha said, the construction of the helipad for the Chinook operations is in full swing, which can carry the latest American artillery guns of the army to the forward positions. The M777 Ultra-Light Howitzer is crucial for the Army deployed along the LAC in Arunachal Pradesh to counter the Chinese Army.

In this, the tactical mobility of the gun gives the army several options for firing in remote areas. PLC/GT


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