India’s Prime Minister Modi Set to Teach Ancient Tradition of Yoga to the World


New York : Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plan to lead a yoga session at the United Nations on International Yoga Day is indeed a significant event. The United Nations declared June 21 as International Yoga Day in 2014, and since then, the day has been widely celebrated around the world. PM Modi’s leadership in this session at the UN Headquarters is a matter of pride for India.

The purpose of International Yoga Day is to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga worldwide. Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India and encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. The word “yoga” is derived from Sanskrit and signifies the union of body and consciousness, emphasizing the connection between the two.

The yoga session led by PM Modi is scheduled to take place on June 21 from 8 am to 9 am on the North Lawn of the UN Headquarters. The event is expected to witness the participation of top UN officials, ambassadors, envoys, representatives of member states, as well as prominent members of the global and diaspora community. Guests and attendees will be encouraged to wear yoga-friendly attire and provided with yoga mats for the special session.

It’s worth noting that India proposed the International Yoga Day at the United Nations General Assembly, and the resolution received support from a record 175 member states. The event holds historical significance as PM Modi will be leading the yoga session at the UN Headquarters, where a statue of Mahatma Gandhi was installed last year during India’s presidency of the United Nations Security Council.

During his visit to the United States, PM Modi will also have an official state visit to Washington, D.C. where he will be hosted by Michelin-star chef, author, filmmaker, and entrepreneur Vikas Khanna for a state dinner on June 22. Khanna, an Indian living in America, expressed his honor at the Prime Minister’s visit and recognized him as a bridge between the two largest democracies in the world. PM Modi’s visit includes addressing a joint session of Congress on June 22 and speaking at an invite-only gathering of diaspora leaders on June 23 in Washington, D.C.

Overall, PM Modi’s yoga session at the United Nations and his visit to the United States signify the global recognition of yoga as a valuable ancient tradition and highlight the strengthening of ties between India and the United States.


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