India’s Vigilance Against Cyber Crime: The Role of NCRP

Cyber Crime

New Delhi : Dive deep into India’s robust cyber security measures with the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) and I4C. Discover how initiatives like Helpline 1930 are safeguarding millions from cyber threats.

National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: A Pillar of Cyber-Security in India

In the digital age, where technology and connectivity are intertwined with our daily lives, cyber security stands as a fortress against malicious threats. The National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) is a testament to India’s commitment to creating a cyber-secure environment for its citizens. Established under the discerning vision of the Home Ministry and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, this portal has become a beacon of hope and a tool for justice against cyber criminals.


Efforts of the Home Ministry: A Cyber-Secure India

With cyber security garnering attention on the international stage, the Modi government has dedicated itself to ensuring that India remains at the forefront of cyber defense. Recognizing the need for a coordinated approach, the Home Ministry, under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, initiated the establishment of the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center (I4C).

The Role and Achievements of I4C

I4C’s primary responsibility is to address cyber crime issues concerning the citizens of India. It serves as a bridge, fostering enhanced coordination between various law enforcement agencies and stakeholders. Since its establishment, the I4C has been instrumental in bolstering the nation’s capability to counter cyber threats. Its mission has always been clear: to improve the collective capacity of the country to combat cyber crimes and to elevate citizen satisfaction levels.

Among the myriad accomplishments of I4C, the launch of the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal in 2019 stands out. This citizen-centric initiative was a significant leap forward in India’s quest to tackle cyber crimes head-on.

National Cyber Crime Helpline Number 1930: A Ray of Hope

Apart from the portal, I4C’s National Cyber Crime Helpline Number 1930 has been a cornerstone in aiding ordinary citizens. This helpline has become a trusted channel for reporting financial frauds online. As of today, the NCRP has witnessed the registration of over 29 lakh complaints. A staggering average of 5000 complaints are registered daily, painting a clear picture of the portal’s vast reach and effectiveness.

Impactful Results: Protecting Financial Assets

The combined efforts of Helpline 1930 and NCRP have borne fruit in safeguarding the financial interests of the public. Until September 30, 2023, these initiatives have successfully prevented more than Rs 765 crore from falling into the clutches of fraudsters.

Conclusion: A Steadfast Commitment to Cyber Security

India’s journey towards becoming a cyber-secure nation is marked by unwavering dedication and strategic initiatives. The establishment of the NCRP and the efforts of the I4C are commendable strides in this direction. As cyber threats continue to evolve, so does India’s commitment to ensuring that its citizens are protected in the digital realm.


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