India cannot progress without R&D and adoption of technology


Union External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that no country can progress without R&D and adoption of technology. Interacting with the students of NIT Delhi, Jaishankar suggested the students to understand the local and global developments. Referring to the impact of the Covid pandemic and the Ukraine war on petroleum and food prices, the External Affairs Minister said, “Globalization has brought down the walls between inside and outside and you have to understand what is happening around you.”

Jayanshkar said that no country can progress without R&D and adoption of technology. He said that many changes have taken place in the last nine years under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Referring to Prime Minister Modi’s recent visit to the US, Jaishankar said, “He has a different image, especially in the democratic world, he (Modi) has the image of a senior, experienced and credible leader.”

The External Affairs Minister said that PM Modi’s views and his decisions have an impact. He said, in his foreign visits, Prime Minister Modi represents the strength and talents of 140 crore Indians. Now the world is looking towards India and its youth. Highlighting the achievements of the Modi government, the External Affairs Minister mentioned the steps taken to make India a semiconductor manufacturing hub and setting up a National Research Foundation in the country. ( PLC/GT )


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