IMF Acting Managing Director Proposes to Extend the Appointment of Carla Grasso


Washington, D.C ,

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Acting Managing Director David Lipton yesterday proposed a one-year extension to Carla Grasso’s appointment as Deputy Managing Director and Chief Administrative Officer.

Ms. Grasso, a dual national of Brazil and Italy, joined the Fund in February 2015 in what was then a newly created role. Her additional one-year term will begin on February 2, 2020, when her initial five-year appointment is due to expire.

“Carla has agreed to serve another year to help oversee the key reform initiatives underway, and ensure continuity within the Management team,” said Mr. Lipton, currently serving as Acting Managing Director pending the selection of a successor to Managing Director Christine Lagarde, who announced her resignation in July

“Carla has a proven track record as Chief Administrative Officer of the Fund and is a valuable member of the Management team. She brings a wealth of experience to her present role, combining international expertise with academic and private sector experience,” Mr. Lipton said.

Ms. Grasso oversees the IMF’s administrative functions, coordinates the budget, human resources, technology, general services, and internal audit, and oversees the IMF’s capacity development work.


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