HS convenes meeting for security of banks.




In order to review the present security arrangements of all the banks situated in the city, an emergent meeting was called by the Home Secretary Sh. Ram Niwas, IGP Police UT Pradeep Kumar Srivastava, the Deputy Commissioner Brijendra Singh and SSP UT Naunihal with the General Managers, AGMs, Divisional Managers and Chief Security officers of Banks . Various measures were discussed in length to install/provide necessary security arrangements in the banks.

During the meeting it was decided that all branches of the banks will be directly under the surveillance of Chandigarh police. With installation of Auto dialler system in the premises of their banks in next fifteen days, they will be directly connected with the Police Control rooms and the near by police station area sector. In case, if any robbery or dacoity is attempted in any of the bank, the alarm of the Auto dialler system will trigger off automatically and police will get the intimation. To install this system uniformly in all the banks and to discuss the current safety measures in their banks.

While highlighting the importance of this system, the Home Secretary informed that in the last couple of weeks a number of incidence of robbery have taken place in tricity and the Chandigarh Police is all geared up to catch hold on those antisocial elements. He further added that the Auto dialler security alarm is very effective .it broadcasts pre-recorded phone messages to many of call recipients at once. On any occurrence, messages will be sent to PCR, police station and official of the banks in the event of an emergency. He further asked all present to install panic button in their banks which should also be connected with the PCRs and police station. HS also highlighted that power backup of the equipment should always be full, in addition to this HS also asked to install magnetic sensors on all window panes , back doors and vulnerable spots. The mock exercises will be stated in next coming days.

During the meeting, IGP stated that dacoities happened at various places have been carried out by professional gangster and we have to be very vigilant .He added that latest technology can only help to curb such incidents. Though many of the banks have deployed security guards outside their banks, still during the night time they can be easily overpowered by the criminals as such it has been emphasized for putting auto dialler system. He asked the bankers to provide them the details of all branches with their locations and come for help to implement this system on ground levels. He further stated that from now onwards regular exercises will be conducted by the police to check the connectivity of equipments with PCRs and Police stations.

Almost majority of the banks have taken security measures like installation of CCTV cameras, anti bulgar alarms, panic buttons in their premises but except one or two banks, none is connected with the PCRS and police station .All the bank officials consented to install auto diallers in their premises with in 15 days and appreciated the efforts of Chandigarh Administration and Chandigarh police for taking this initiative to secure them in all ways immediately.

While addressing the members, SSP Naunihal stated that the quality of the CCTV cameras should be superior or they can also put motion sensor, so that in case any motion takes place, the lights get on and cameras can capture the subjects easily. The mock exercises for the same will be started in a few days and next meeting to review the implementation of this system will be held in the first week of February.


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