Hindu Temple Vandalism Escalates: Another Attack Rocks Canada’s British Columbia


Victoria : 
Discover the latest incident of vandalism targeting a Hindu temple in Canada’s British Columbia, where anti-India messages mar the sanctity of Mata Bhameshwari Durga Devi Temple

Vandalism Strikes Again: Hindu Temple in Canada’s British Columbia Targeted

In a distressing turn of events, a sacred Hindu temple in Canada’s British Columbia province has fallen victim to yet another act of vandalism. This marks the second such incident within a mere month, casting a shadow of concern over the local community. The temple, dedicated to Mata Bhameshwari Durga Devi, is nestled in the heart of Surrey, a place of spiritual solace for many.

Anti-India Messages Deface Mata Bhameshwari Durga Devi Temple

Shockingly, the perpetrators of this reprehensible act used black spray paint to defile the temple’s sanctity with anti-India messages. On the walls of the temple, these disgraceful words stood out in stark contrast to the temple’s serene surroundings. “Punjab is not India” was one of the slogans that marred the temple’s walls. Furthermore, disturbing images of this sacrilege have gone viral on various social media platforms, amplifying the sense of outrage and disbelief within the community.

The Unnerving Trend of Targeting Religious Symbols

The desecration of religious places is a deeply concerning trend that is regrettably on the rise. Such acts of vandalism are not only an affront to the specific religious community but also an attack on the principles of harmony and respect that Canada cherishes. These cowardly attacks aim to sow seeds of panic and discord within the community, and they must be condemned unequivocally.

Law Enforcement Springs into Action

The local authorities were promptly alerted to this distressing incident, and an investigation is now underway. The Surrey incident comes on the heels of another alarming act of vandalism in British Columbia province, where a prominent temple was targeted by individuals associated with the Khalistani movement. On the 12th of August, two unidentified individuals defaced a temple in Surrey with anti-Hindu and anti-India messages, sparking concerns about the safety of religious institutions.

As the investigation unfolds, the community remains united in its resolve to preserve the sanctity of its religious spaces and uphold the values of tolerance and respect that are the bedrock of Canadian society.


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