Hindu funeral: Why do relatives carry fire in a pot before the funeral procession?


Hindu funeral: Why do relatives carry fire in a pot before the funeral procession?

There are many customs and traditions in Sanatan Dharma, which have to be followed by everyone. This is the last rites of a person’s life. When someone dies in the family of people who believe in Hinduism, some special rituals and rules are followed from keeping the deceased in the house to performing his last rites and for the next 13 days. is followed

These traditions related to death, which have been described as very important in the scriptures, include a ritual that when the funeral procession leaves the house for the cremation ground, a relative of the deceased walks in front of the dead body with a pot in one hand and A smoldering pot is kept in the pot, why does it happen and the reason behind it, this question arises in the mind of most of the people, so today we are giving you the answers to these questions through this article, so let us know.

Know the reason behind this-
You must have seen in most of the funeral processions that a pot is tied in a thin rope and smoke comes out from it. A member of the deceased’s family walks at the front of the funeral procession holding this pot in hand, then going to the crematorium, this pot is used. The fire is kindled by placing it on the grass and the cremation of the dead is done with it, it means that people burn the body of the deceased with the fire brought from the earth.

The reason behind performing the last rites with this fire is very important. It is believed that in the olden times, the fire around which the bride and groom used to take rounds, that fire was established in the house. Even today, people light the fire of their house and take it to the cremation ground in a pot and then the body of the deceased is cremated with it. It is believed that by doing this, the soul of the deceased person gets peace.


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