Handique reviews situation on action taken by State Governments to prevent illegal mining



The Minister of Mines & DoNER Shri B.K.Handique reviewed the situation on action taken by State Governments to prevent illegal mining and the punitive action taken. He expressed serious concerns on the increasing incidents of illegal mining to the State Secretaries and stated that the action taken by the State Government was not effective. The Minister made it clear to the State Government representatives that if it is necessary the mining law can be made stringent. The Minister outlined the need to increase co-operation between the State Governments and Central Government, and if necessary the Central Government is willing to offer assistance in investigation.

The State Governments have been asked to submit specific action plan against illegal mining within a week based on a completely different approach, including use of satellite imagery for detecting illegal mining, identifying trigger points like sudden price rise in minerals, focused inspections using multi-disciplinary agencies in areas of endemic illegal mining, and monitoring of minerals exported or used by end-use industries.

The Minster also held a meeting with the officials of Indian Bureau of Mines and he emphasized the need for convergence of action with State Governments.


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