Gujarat : Growth Engine of India


One of the most industrialized States of the Indian subcontinent, Gujarat has always been at the forefront of Indian life. The State means business in every way. Its location on India’s western coast and the Government’s emphasis on port-led development offer export-import advantages that can efficiently connect businesses to many points throughout the country and the world.

With the economy growing consistently owing to its strong fundamentals, Gujarat has been contributing immensely to India’s growth story with a consistent double digit GSDP for almost a decade. Other strengths that enhance bottom-lines as well top-lines include well-planned critical infrastructure, quality power, productive human capital, a conducive business climate and pro-active industrial policies combined with liberal tax structures. All of these combine to establish Gujarat, and the businesses who invest in the State, with an unbeatable competitive edge. Gujarat is indeed the industrial and corporate face of the country attracting investor interest from all corners of the world. It comes as no surprise then that Gujarat is considered as the Growth Engine of India.

While leaving for Japan in 1883 Swami Vivekanand inspired Jamshedji Tata to set up a ‘Research Institute of Science’ could youth, besides just a Steel Plant, which later materialized in the form of IISc, Bangalore. Today, Gujarat has got the fortune to inspire the Tata Group to work in the field of Rural Transportation, and Adani Group in the field of education for the poor. Today, in Gujarat such a confident atmosphere has been created that the industrialists are coming forward on their own with projects for rural housing, urban slum clearance and potable water in villages. Gujarat is truly marching towards an era of holistic all round development.

In Gujarat, the government, officers and the people work in unison as one team to weave one story of success, taking the state to new heights. This is the reason for the successful realization of huge events like this Summit. This message of Good Governance emanates from Mahatma Mandir as a source of inspiration for the entire nation. Like the movement for Swarajya (Self Rule), Gujarat will also lead the people’s movement for Surajya (Good Governance).

In recent years, Gujarat has pioneered a large number of large-scale projects which could become a trailblazer for other states to follow. One among them is the Sardar Sarovar project which interlinks most of the rivers in the state. River interlinking is a key issue facing India. Access to water will lead to increased ground water level, improve the quality of lives and create jobs in rural areas.

Gujarat has also been at the forefront in terms of development models for improving the quality of lives, including in villages. Several of these schemes are being studied and adopted by other states as well, including:

  • Tribal Development Model: most states in India have studied the Gujarat example
  • Jyotigram Yojana (making available 24 hours three phase quality power supply to all 18,000 villages): the Indian government has recommended other states follow the example
  • Evening Court: the Supreme Court has asked other states to start similar courts
  • Chiranjeevi (reducing infant mortality): this project is being studied by other Indian states and the World Bank

Today Gujarat continues to attract investments and business interest across various sectors. The day is not far when Gujarat will lead in all round development.

Gujarat at a glance

  • Longest coastline in India 1600km
  • No. of ports : 42
  • No. of airports : 13
  • Special Economic Zones (SEZs) : 60
  • Industrial Clusters: 83
  • Integrated Statewide Gas Grid : 2200 Km

Gujarat is

  • World’s
    • Largest producer of Psyllium Husk, Fennel Seeds and Castor
    • Largest Grassroot Petroleum Refinery
  • India’s
    • First State to enter Carbon Trading Agreement with World Bank
    • First Chemical Port at Dahej
    • Largest producer of salt, soda ash and marine products
    • Largest producer of pharmaceuticals, chemicals and petrochemicals


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