Government of India is providing 50 thousand rupees in a year to every farmer


New Delhi : On the occasion of International Cooperative Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Cooperative Minister Amit Shah participated in the 17th Indian Cooperative Congress program. During this, PM Narendra Modi has said that the central government is giving a benefit of 50 thousand rupees to every farmer in a year.

He said in a program organized at Pragati Maidan that the central government is spending more than Rs 6.5 lakh crore on agriculture and farmers. In this way, the government is providing an average of Rs 50,000 annually to every farmer in some form or the other. This is Modi’s guarantee. During this, Union Co-operative Minister Amit Shah said that co-operative society has given us a lot.

He said that due to the formation of an independent ministry, a lot of changes have become possible in the Ministry of Cooperatives and cooperatives under the guidance of the Prime Minister, and changes will continue to happen in the future as well. A large number of people were present in the program organized on the occasion of International Cooperative Day. It may be noted that inspired by Prime Minister Modi’s firm belief in the vision of ‘Prosperity from Cooperation’, the Central Government is continuously taking steps to promote the cooperative movement in the country.

On this occasion, PM Modi said that India’s coarse grains ie millets have been recognized in the world by the name of Shri Anna. For this a new market is being created in the world. Due to the initiative of the Government of India, this year is being celebrated as International Millet Cereals. Today chemical free farming, natural farming is the priority of the government.

Today, in order to expand micro-irrigation to every village, cooperatives will have to expand their role as well. The Prime Minister said that now the fair and remunerative price for sugarcane farmers has now been made a record Rs 315 per quintal. In continuation of the farmer friendly approach, another major decision has been taken a few days back. The central government has announced a package of Rs 3 lakh 70 thousand crore for the farmers.

The PM said that the Central Government has started Mission Palm Oil. Under this, oilseed crops are being promoted. So that the huge amount spent on the import of edible oil in the country can reach the farmers. The BJP government has also given a guarantee that farmers should not be burdened with fertilizers and chemicals that are becoming increasingly expensive in the world.

Today, the farmer has to pay around Rs 270 for a urea bag. The cost of this same bag is Rs 720 in Bangladesh, Rs 800 in Pakistan and Rs 2100 in China. In the last 9 years, more than Rs 10 lakh crore has been spent on fertilizer subsidy by the BJP government. This is the biggest guarantee. For the first time, we have created a separate ministry for cooperatives, made provision for a separate budget. Today, co-operatives are being provided with the same facilities and platforms as are available to the corporate sector.

The issues related to cooperative sector which were pending for years are being resolved at a fast pace. On this occasion, Union Cooperative Minister Amit Shah said that due to the formation of an independent ministry, a lot of changes have been possible in the Ministry of Cooperatives and cooperatives under the guidance of the Prime Minister, and changes will continue to happen in the future. This movement has given a lot to the country so far.

The co-operative movement accounts for about 29 per cent of the economy of credit distribution. 35 per cent in fertilizer distribution, 25 per cent in fertilizer production, more than 35 per cent in sugar production, the share of cooperatives in procurement, sale and production of milk is touching 15 per cent.


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