Global Hunger Index 2022 – India slips to number 107 in the ranking of 121 countries


Global Hunger Index 2022 – India slips to number 107 in the ranking of 121 countries

India has slipped to the 107th position in the Global Hunger Index (GHI). India is down six places as compared to last time.

The data for GHI was collected from 136 countries of the world. Out of these, 121 countries were ranked. Due to lack of proper data from the remaining 15 countries, their ranking could not be done.

In this ranking, India is behind almost all its neighboring countries. India’s position is only slightly better than Afghanistan. Afghanistan is ranked 109 in this list. With a score of 29.1, the publishers of GHI have described the ‘hunger’ situation in India as serious.

What is this GHI after all? Which countries have the best ranking this time? Which are the worst ranked countries? What is the condition of India and its neighboring countries? What countries like US, UK, France? How to extract GHI? How much has India’s ranking and GHI score improved or deteriorated in the last two decades? What does India have to say about this ranking? Let’s know… GHI has been released almost every year since 2000.

The lower the score in this report, the better the performance of that country is considered. How much is a country able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals related to hunger? The means of monitoring this is the Global Hunger Index (GHI). Which is used for international ranking. GHI looks at three dimensions of hunger in a country.

First, there is inadequate availability of food in the country, second, the nutritional status of children is low and third is the child mortality rate (which is due to undernutrition). PLC/GT


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