Finish your pending work by 31st




Finish your pending work by 31st so that you can start the year afresh said Padmashri and Dr B C Roy National Awardee        Dr KK Aggarwal, President Heart Care Foundation of India.  The New Year should be taken as a new life all together. Most people forget their new year’s resolution in one day. New Year’s resolution has only value if one is starting afresh with no backlog of the last year. To stay healthy physically and mentally one need to be happy all the time, this can only be achieved by controlling the negative thoughts in the mind. One of the best ways of doing so is to send the greetings to everyone we know in a manner that one forgets and forgives the past and starts afresh. Dr Aggarwal said to start afresh the best New Year’s slogan is… “Knowingly or unknowingly in my actions, thoughts or words if I have done anything to hurt your consciousness in the last one year please forgive me”…Happy New Year.


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