Find stolen mobile phone in minutes

Find your stolen mobile phone in minutes
Find your stolen mobile phone in minutes

Find stolen mobile phone in minutes

After the advent of Smartphone, there have been many big changes in our life. Apart from calling, we use our mobile for many other things. In such a situation, if the smartphone is stolen or lost, then there is a lot of tension. However, it is better that such an incident does not happen, but it is also necessary to prepare yourself in advance for such a situation for the data and personal security of the phone. . There are many types of personal data and bank related information including photo-video in our phone. In such a situation, this information can be misused. If you make some settings in the phone in advance, then even after theft or loss, the chances of getting your phone are greatly increased. In this report, we are going to tell you the necessary measures, with the help of which you can find the location of the phone even after it is stolen. Let us know about these measures…

Find My Device
First of all, you have to download Find My Device on your phone. Actually, this app has been released by Google, with the help of this app, you can get information about the location of the smartphone through your email ID. On the other hand, with the help of this app, you can delete all personal information, photographs, documents, etc. securely from your smartphone online. That is, before the phone is stolen or lost, you have to install Find My Device in your phone. Activate it by login to the app.

Now if your phone is stolen, you can login to Find My Device on any other phone, laptop or PC using internet to see the location of your phone and also ring it. The thing to note here is that you have to login with the same email id which is in your phone and for this facility internet must be turned on in your stolen phone as well.

Data can also be deleted
With the help of Find My Device app, you can login to any phone and delete your phone’s data, as well as lock the phone and change the password. However, this trick will work only when the internet is on in your phone.

Hammer Security App
You can also download the Hammer Security app on your phone. This app is a security app, with the help of this stolen phone can be tracked. This app can be downloaded from Google Play Store and it is very easy to setup. The app has to be given some permissions and it is ready to go.

Many security features are available in the app, such as dummy switch off, fake flight mode. That is, if your phone is stolen and the thief tries to switch off the phone or in flight mode, then the phone will be dummy switched off and will also capture the photo of the thief. The app also records the audio and location of the thief. You will also be able to track the phone with the help of the given emergency number. PLC/GT


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