Exploring PM Modi’s Departure Statement: Strengthening Global Diplomacy


New Delhi  : Witness international diplomacy in action as the Prime Minister Modi embarks on visits to South Africa and Greece. Discover the strategic importance of BRICS Summit, bilateral dialogues, and the cultural connection that shapes relations

the Prime Minister Modi embarks on a journey to strengthen international ties and foster cooperation between nations. The upcoming visit to the Republic of South Africa and Greece carries profound implications for global diplomacy and bilateral relations. Let’s delve into the details of the departure statement and understand the significance of these visits.

Bridging Cooperation: The 15th BRICS Summit

The visit commences in the Republic of South Africa from 22-24 August 2023, at the gracious invitation of H.E Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, the President of South Africa. The focus of the visit is the 15th BRICS Summit, held in Johannesburg, under the South African Chairmanship.

BRICS Summit and Bilateral Diplomacy
BRICS Summit and Bilateral Diplomacy

The BRICS Agenda

BRICS, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has been relentlessly pursuing a robust cooperation agenda across various sectors. This summit is not just an annual event; it has transformed into a prominent platform for discussing and deliberating issues that concern the entire Global South. The agenda ranges from developmental imperatives to the reform of the multilateral system.

A Glimpse into the Summit

This summit serves as an invaluable opportunity for BRICS nations to identify and map out future areas of cooperation, fostering mutual growth and development. Moreover, the summit’s deliberations will encompass a thorough review of institutional development, which is crucial for sustaining the momentum of this coalition of diverse economies.

BRICS–Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue

During the Prime Minister Modi’s stay in Johannesburg, there is also a significant engagement with the BRICS–Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue event, aligned with the broader BRICS Summit activities. This event serves as a conduit for interaction with several guest countries, sharing perspectives and expanding the horizon of cooperation.

Bilateral Dynamics: Strengthening Ties

Amid the dynamic landscape of international relations, bilateral engagements assume paramount importance. The Prime Minister Modi’s visit to South Africa also features bilateral meetings with esteemed leaders present at the summit.

The Journey Continues: Greece

The journey from South Africa to Athens, Greece on 25 August 2023, marks a historic moment. The invitation, extended by H.E. Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Prime Minister Modi of Greece, underscores the enduring significance of diplomacy in a rapidly changing world.

Historical Connections

The depth of ties between India and Greece is profound, spanning over two millennia. This rich history forms the bedrock of modern-day cooperation, as both nations draw inspiration from shared values of democracy, the rule of law, and pluralism.

Strengthening Bonds

In contemporary times, the relationship between the two nations has gained impetus through collaborations across diverse sectors. Trade and investment, defense, cultural exchanges, and people-to-people contacts have woven a tapestry of interconnectedness, bridging geographical distances and fostering mutual understanding.

A New Chapter: Prime Minister Modi’s Visit

The Prime Minister Modi’s upcoming visit to Greece is laden with symbolic importance. The visit marks the first Indian Prime Minister Modi’s journey to this ancient land in 40 years, embodying the spirit of friendship, cooperation, and shared aspirations.

Multifaceted Relations

The Prime Minister Modi’s presence in Greece heralds a new chapter in the multifaceted relationship between the two nations. The visit promises to further enrich diplomatic ties and expand collaborative efforts across sectors, thereby elevating the partnership to new heights.


The Prime Minister Modi’s departure statement encapsulates the essence of diplomatic engagement, international cooperation, and the pursuit of mutual growth. The visits to the Republic of South Africa and Greece are not merely symbolic gestures; they are powerful demonstrations of nations coming together to forge stronger bonds, identify common goals, and create a brighter future for their citizens and the world at large.


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