Economic slowdown in European countries – Medical system completely collapsed


The effect of the economic slowdown in European countries – the medical system has completely collapsed

Medical system is the basic right of any citizen, the way the whole world is struggling with the economic downturn, if this situation remains the same.
The day is not far when even the basic rights of human beings will have to fight.

The medical system of European countries has completely collapsed. After the Corona epidemic, the citizens here have become the most on health services on health care. People have to pay bribe to doctors and nurses for treatment. Even doctors were no exception to this.

They have become victims of disorder. In the UK, 65 lakh patients are on the waiting list. A country like Spain has a waiting list of more than 4 months for an operation. There is a shortage of 5 lakh doctors and 1 million health workers in European countries. After Coronavirus, people are facing many health related problems. The citizens here are not getting proper medical facilities and counseling.

According to the report of the European Medical Council, four out of every 10 people in Europe are suffering from depression. Due to the lack of doctors, patients with depression are not even able to get appointments. In a developed country like France, patients are facing a waiting list of up to 60 days.

According to the European Union, the cost of health services in Switzerland is Rs 7.73 lakh per person. The per capita treatment cost in Norway is Rs 6.40 lakh. Which is spent by the government there.

The situation has gone out of control in many countries of Europe. Citizens are not getting proper treatment. Due to paucity of doctors, patients are also unable to get consultation. The operation is a long way off. 24 lakh crore rupees are being spent by European countries to improve the health crisis. Germany has spent 8 lakh crores, France 5 lakh crores, Italy 4 lakh crores rupees in Indian currency. It is understood that what is the condition of medical facilities in European countries.

If the countries do not pay full attention to their medical system in time, then the medical system of the rest of the countries can completely collapse. ? PLC/GT



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