Delhi petrol dealers to join “no purchase-no sale” protest against daily change in fuel prices move of oil companies


New Delhi ,

The Managing Committee of Delhi Petrol Dealers Association (Regd.) in its meeting held today has resolved to support and join the “No Purchase” “No Sale” call given by the Federation of all India Petroleum traders (FAIPT) on the 16th of June 2017. The Delhi Petrol Dealers are opposed to the move of the Oil Marketing Companies to change the price of fuel on a daily basis, due to the following concerns.

“State-run oil companies, Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) Ltd, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL), have decided to revise petrol and diesel prices every day in sync with international rates, beginning 16 June. The Oil Marketing Companies have jumped into this decision without checking the ground reality that the automation system installed at most of the pumps in Delhi is not supporting the automatic price change in the dispensing machines. Unless the price is pushed automatically through the automation system the Petrol Dealers are not ready to do it manually or fetch the price on a daily basis as being advised by the oil marketing companies. This manual intervention can lead to errors and delays in operation of the petrol pump.” Said a release from Delhi Petrol Dealers Association (DPDA)

“A very stringent fine of Rs 5 lakh and suspension of sales and supplies for 60 days has been implemented in the amended guidelines for not operating the petrol pump in the automation mode, or making automation dysfunctional, partly of fully, It is nothing but contradiction in terms that OMCs on one hand want us to manually feed the data and on the other want us to run the outlet 100% in the automation mode, with a sword of the new guidelines always hanging on our heads.” Said dealers


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