Commemorating Partition Vibhishika Day: Unveiling India’s Painful Past

Dr. DP Sharma and Vijay Samnotra
Dr. DP Sharma and Vijay Samnotra

New Delhi  : Discover the profound significance of designating August 14 as Partition Vibhishika Day in India. Explore the efforts of Dr. DP Sharma and Mr. Vijay Samanotra in preserving the agonizing memories of the 1947 partition. Understand the vision behind this commemoration and its potential to foster understanding among future generations.

Unraveling the Historical Pains and Sacrifices of Partition: Celebrating August 14 as a Commemoration Day


The momentous decision by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to designate August 14 as Partition Day holds profound significance. Reverberating with the sentiments of International Scientific Digital Diplomacy Expert, Dr. DP Sharma, and the former Head of the Office of United Nations Environment Protection, Mr. Vijay Samanotra, this commemoration aims to illuminate the haunting legacy of the 1947 partition of India. It was on July 17, 2021, that India took a decisive step, driven by the culmination of years of painstaking research by Dr. Sharma and Mr. Samanotra. Their efforts culminated in a poignant history report and a letter addressed to Prime Minister Modi, beseeching the nation to observe August 14 as Partition Day.

Marking a Milestone

The year 2023 ushers in the second iteration of Partition Vibhishika Day on August 14, replete with plans for exhibitions across educational institutions and thought-provoking seminars. Even in their overseas abodes, Dr. Sharma and former United Nations Diplomat, Mr. Samanotra, collaborated meticulously to safeguard future generations from the shadows of partition’s grim specter. Their collaborative pursuit was aimed at preventing history from repeating its agonizing chapter.

A Tribute to the Unforgettable Pain

Prime Minister Modi’s endorsement of the partition commemorations, first announced on August 14, 2021, marked an essential juncture. Dr. Sharma and Mr. Samanotra’s ardent appeal bore fruit, crystallizing into an annual celebration, each August 14, aptly named Partition Vibhishika Day. But their vision extended beyond mere observance; they envisioned a testament of remembrance akin to the Holocaust Museum constructed by Israel’s Jewish community. This museum, they envisioned, would serve as an indelible testament to the suffering endured by Indian martyrs and their families, offering a tangible embodiment of their excruciating ordeal.

Echoes of Harmony and Understanding

The commemoration of August 14 assumes monumental significance in fostering social harmony and nurturing a deep comprehension among the younger generation of the monumental sacrifices made during India’s partition. Dr. Sharma and Mr. Samanotra’s joint missive to Prime Minister Narendra Modi articulated their plea to honor August 14 as a commemorative day. Their appeal resonated with a powerful message – the memory of Hindu victims, among others, whose lives were indelibly scarred by the partition’s horrors.

Remembering the Agony

The partition of 1947 bears the scars of unimaginable pain – Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists – each community bore the brunt of violent upheavals. Countless lives were extinguished, and the harrowing details of the toll continue to elude complete documentation. Amidst this chaos, the abduction of thousands, religious conversions, and the obliteration of properties worth crores left an indelible stain. The tragedy was not confined to one region; the echoes of planned murders and looting resonated across Bengal and beyond.

A Sacred Obligation

Dr. Sharma succinctly elucidates the unique responsibility bestowed upon the living witnesses of this tragedy. The number of survivors who can recount the agony of those times dwindles, and as such, it becomes imperative to safeguard their memories. Consequently, Dr. Sharma and Mr. Samanotra have further urged Prime Minister Modi to establish a memorial honoring the countless, nameless souls of Punjab and East Bengal. This memorial should not merely preserve their history but also magnify their sacrifices and suffering, ensuring their memory lives on.

Digital Testament of Resilience

An essential facet of this commemoration extends beyond physical structures to the realm of the digital. Dr. Sharma and Mr. Samanotra passionately advocate for the creation of an online digital museum – a repository for painful memories of partition and the times preceding it. Through this platform, the living witnesses can share their experiences, pain, and stories, all of which would serve as profound lessons for the present and the future.

Engraving History for Posterity

The historical canvas of partition is replete with shades of suffering, underscored by the oppressive policies of the British colonial rule. The resilience exhibited by the masses, their perseverance through insurmountable pain, deserves to be etched into the annals of history. The commemoration of August 14 as Partition Vibhishika Day stands as a homage to this indomitable spirit.


In the crucible of history, the partition of India in 1947 forged a legacy of pain, sacrifice, and resilience. The visionary efforts of Dr. DP Sharma and Mr. Vijay Samanotra, buoyed by Prime Minister Modi’s endorsement, seek to honor this legacy and ensure that the scars of history are not forgotten. The observance of August 14 as Partition Vibhishika Day serves as a beacon, guiding present and future generations to understand, respect, and empathize with the unendurable torment endured by countless souls. As we reflect upon the agony of partition, we acknowledge the importance of preserving history’s rawest truths for posterity.


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