China spying on US missile base


China is monitoring the American missile base by installing equipment of Chinese company Huawei in the mobile tower located near the missile base in America. It is feared that Huawei may collect sensitive information from US military bases and missile silos through its equipment installed in these mobile towers. After this intelligence input came to light, now the Biden administration has started investigating the Chinese telecom equipment manufacturer Huawei.

US officials are concerned that Huawei could use its equipment to obtain sensitive data related to military exercises, operational readiness of missile bases and troops. This investigation has been kept very confidential in view of national security. A media report said that the US Commerce Department launched an investigation against Huawei soon after Joe Biden took office early last year.

Sources said the agency has been entrusted with the investigation after the implementation of the rules to implement the May 2019 executive order. According to the 10-page document, the agency had asked Huawei in April 2021 to explain the company’s policy on sharing data with foreign parties. Then US officials learned that Huawei devices could capture messages and geolocational data from cell phones.

However, the US Commerce Department said it could not confirm or deny the ongoing investigation. He issued a statement saying that we are working against information collection dangerous to the economy and national security. It is important for us to protect American individuals, protect their data. Huawei has not given any statement on this whole matter yet.

Chinese company Huawei has denied the allegations of the US government. The company has said that it is unfounded that it can spy on US customers and is posing a threat to US national interests. The Chinese embassy in Washington has also not responded to these allegations. In an email, the Chinese embassy simply said that the US government abuses the concept of national security and state power. She is accusing Huawei and other Chinese telcos of being a security threat to the US and other countries without providing any concrete evidence to suppress them.

Several US administration officials said the investigation reflects our country’s national security concerns about Huawei. Huawei has long been surrounded by allegations from the US government that it may spy on US customers, although officials in Washington have made little evidence public in this regard. The company denies the allegations. PLC/GT


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