ChangeTheQuestion-A Thought Provoking Digital Campaign by BIBA Girls



Mumbai ,

BIBA Girls – the dedicated range catering to young girls aged between 2 to 15 years by BIBA, launches a thought provoking digital campaign – ‘ChangeTheQuestion’, a short film which beautifully takes on the issue of body shaming. This film is an extension to the ongoing ‘Change’ series of campaigns by the brand. After receiving encouraging responses for the previous films on gender roles in arranged marriages, the dowry system, this time too BIBA has picked up anissue which is prevalent in our roots, thus urging people to bring a positive outlook.

We as citizens of the world are often victims of age-old societal conditioning. We tend to fall prey to various patriarchal norms and it is these norms that are often passed from one generation to another. Being fat, tall, short, thin, fair, dark – each of these terms come with their own baggage in today’s world. As our ideal definition of beauty gets narrower by the day, women are constantly insecure in their bodies. The film urges us to take charge, to do our bit in spreading body positivity.

Conceptualised by Brandmovers, #changethequestion film opens with a conversation between husband and wife while they are getting ready for an evening outing when they are interrupted by their daughter, who is dressed in her ethnic best. She asks them a seemingly a small question which urges them to introspect. The film reiterates the thought that ‘We are beautiful in our own way’

Nowadays, even teenage girls are constantly insecure with their appearance and are under tremendous pressure to look pretty and stylish very day. Such situations shatter their confidence and make them become vulnerable and conscious. With this film, BIBA focuses to bring a shift in people’s perspective of doing away with unnecessary beliefs and letting young girls enjoy their adolescence.

The digital film not only manages to extend BIBA’s perspective on societal change, but also constructively engage the viewer to sit up and think. It brings a fresh, honest, relatable story in front of the society and strengthens the notion that change is the only way forward.

Sharing his views on the film, Mr. SiddharthBindra, Managing Director, BIBA, said, “It’s the success of our earlier films and the conversations they sparked that urged us to create another film. We realized that in whatever way, we were bringing about a shift in people’s lives and perspectives. Similarly, this film touches on the topic of negative body image tactfully and how it’s a growing concern not only amongst women but young girls too. The film delivers a strong message through a very sweet story that is sure to have an impact on the audiences.”

Suva Ghosh, Chief Creative Officer, Brandmovers India said, ‘Just like with the earlier films which we have created for BIBA, the idea was to initiate a wave of change. We were working on a very strong insight with this film – women all over the world are worried about the way they look. We spoke to a lot of people and realized that the problem ran deep – a simple question like ‘Am I looking fat?’ can be damaging not just to themselves, but also to people around them. We are to be blamed for the world we are shaping; with such campaigns we are trying to strive to make the world a happier and a better one.’


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