Challenges and Enablers of the Medical Education Market in Thailand


Landscape of Thailand Medical Education Market: Ken Research

New Delhi,

The report titled “Landscape of Thailand Medical Education Market-Increasing Number of Top Rated Universities coupled with Undertaking Cutting Edge Research Driving the Industry” provides a comprehensive analysis of the Medical Education system in Thailand along with its merits and drawbacks. It includes detailed analysis on Physician Education as well as specialized courses such as Internal Medicine and Ophthalmology in Thailand. The report also covers overview of the medical education industry as well as segmentation of the colleges on the basis of institution type and segmentation that specifies the presence of various medical colleges across the nation both regionally and state wise. Process flow for opting bachelor and specialized courses has been suggested in a form of a flow diagram to have a better understanding of the admission process in Thailand. The report concludes all medical collges compared on various verticals such as total no. of Graduates, Vintage Year, Courses Offered, Faculty, Region, Institution Type and Fees.

Challenges and Enablers of the Medical Education Market in Thailand

Medical Education in Thailand has seen a long journey with various turns with intense progress. The journey has given the system its fair share of challenges to deal with issues including keeping pace with rapidly changing knowledge and installing same coping abilities in the students, maintaining quality of training of students with their increasing demand, mental health issues arising for medical students under heavy pressure, funds and scholarships to arrange the education, to retain good quality staff and lack of private investment in medical education.

Various factors that drive the growth of Medical Education Sytem in Thailand are expensive public infrastructure and universal coverage, postgraduate program is in alignment with  international standards, the brain drain is at lower level in comparison to its neighbouring countries because majority of education is in Thai, changes in the need of society, changes in the nature of students, evolution in learning and teaching processes, rapid changes in technologies supporting medical practices and education, enormous explosion in medical knowledge and changes in the health system.

Physician Medical Education Market Overview and Size

In Thailand,  the  undergraduate  medical сurriculum  соnsists  оf  а  6-yeаr  trаining  рrоgrаmme  tyрiсаlly  divided  intо  three  рhаses,  i.e.  yeаr  1  fоr  generаl  eduсаtiоn,  yeаrs  2–3  соvering  bаsiс  mediсаl  sсienсes,  аnd  yeаrs  4–6  fоr  gаining  сliniсаl  exрerienсe.  There  аre  twо  mаin  trасks  fоr  mediсаl  trаining,  “nоrmаl”  аnd  “rurаl”,  differing  in  their  аdmissiоn  рrосess,  рlасe  оf  trаining  аnd  рlасe  оf  wоrk. This initial training combined with lengthy undergraduate programe provides Thailand with its proficient doctors. Every years, approximately ~3000 new doctors are added into the system. These doctors after completing their training can practice either as physicians or go for medical specialisations.

Internal Medicine Education Market Overview and Size

In Thailand, Internal Medicine is the most popular specialization which encompasses many sub-specialities like nephrology or cardiology. It has the largest class size amongst all other medical specialisations. General Medicine and Neurology are the most popular sub-specialisation in the country. Internal Medicine or general internal medicine is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of internal disease.

The Royal College of Physicians of Thailand is the regulatory body for the specialisations and conducts the respective examamination for certifying the specialized training acquired. It is the oldest specialized board in the country and reports to Thai Medical Council.

Ophthalmology Education Market Overview and Size

In Thailand, large number of ophthalmologist practicing ophthalmologic surgery as per ICO it can be close to 85-90%. This surgery can be conduted only by someone who has trained in the medical specialization of ophthalmology. Most popular subspeciality in the Ophthalmology training is focused on the Retina and majority of practicioners are female in the profession.

The Royal College of Ophthalmology of Thailand is the regulatory body for the specialisations and conducts the respective examamination for certifying the specialized training acquired. It is the oldest specialized board in the country and reports to Thai Medical Council.


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