Be ambassadors of goodwill : Rajnath Singh to SSB on guarding Nepal and Bhutan borders


Rajnath Singh addressing at the 52nd anniversary parade of the Sashastra Seema BalINVC NEWS
New Delhi,
The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh said that the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has the onerous task of taking the friendly relations with Nepal and Bhutan to new heights in the future. Addressing the 52nd Raising Day celebrations of the SSB here today, Shri Rajnath Singh said that all the Indian borders are important, but the borders of Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan come with added responsibility since the borders are open and there are no restrictions on the movement of people.

Shri Rajnath Singh commended the SSB for having seized Rs. 215 crores along the border and nabbing 3,523 people indulging in illegal activities.

The Union Home Minister said that SSB has come to rescue whenever called for, whether it was an internal security situation or in Jammu & Kashmir or Left-Wing Extremism affected areas or the law and order situation in other States. Shri Rajnath Singh applauded the SSB’s efforts in providing relief during the Nepal earthquake in May this year. SSB has also taken up many people-friendly programmes and the Government’s initiatives like the ‘Jan Dhan Yojana’ and ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’ are being given a great push by the SSB, he added.

During the function, Shri Rajnath Singh presented the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service and Indian Police Medal for Meritorious service to the SSB personnel. He also released a book titled ‘Human Trafficking: A vision Document’ which tells about the social issue prevailing at the Indo-Nepal border and an e-book on Martyrs of SSB. Shri B.D. Sharma, Director General, SSB, in his speech highlighted the achievements and new initiatives taken by the SSB in border management and proposed joint patrolling with Nepal and Bhutan Police on the borders.

The parade was followed by a colourful display by SSB troops, dog squad and motorcycle riders. The parade was attended by Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi, MP, Shri Kipchu Namgyal, Chief of Royal Bhutan Police, Chiefs of Central Armed Paramilitary Forces, Senior Officers from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs and retired and serving officers of SSB and their families.


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