Autism can now be treated with HESC Therapy


– Dr Geeta Shroff –

A three-year-old boy having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was treated with hESC therapy. ASD is a neuro-developmental disorder which is accompanied by weak immune system, neuro inflammation and is characterized by social disconnection, incomplete verbal and nonverbal communication, severely restricted interests, and display of repetitive obsessive behaviours.

“He was admitted to NuTech Mediworld by his parents with complaints of poor attention, lack of eye contact, no social interaction, shivery hands, inability to point at objects, lack of functional independence and inability to speak clearly. Patient’s medical history revealed ASD. He was undergoing speech and occupational therapy with no noticeable progression. We investigated his brain using SPECT scan that revealed a peripheral circulatory failure known as hypoperfusion. It happens due to loss of circulating fluids.”

People with ASD have delayed metabolism and Vitamin D deficiency. Multiple factors contribute to ASD including transfer of maternal antibodies, infection in maternal blood, and exposure to heavy metals, prenatal folic acid deficiency, genetic disorders, measles, and electromagnetic radiation. These factors put a negative impact on CNS, neurodevelopment. Though it cannot be cured completely, treatment through hESC provides quality of life.

As the condition was getting severe hESC therapy was started, to be conducted in 4 sessions along with occupational and physical therapy. After each session, SPECT scan was done in order to keep a check on the hypoperfusion.

“The patient showed significant improvements in eye contact, social behaviours, and speech and was able to follow basic commands becoming more independent functionally and showed improvements in vocabulary, social awareness and became emotionally attached to his parents after the 2nd session. The SPECT scan also showed minimal hypoperfusion with significant improvements in the affected regions of the brain. The second and the third phase are utilized to add more cells into the body, to aid maximum repair and regeneration without any adverse event.”

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are pluripotent, can proliferate indefinitely, and can differentiate into all cell types. This provides an underlying principle for using hESC therapy in ASD. Improvement is also seen in patients with cerebral palsy and cortical visual impairment after treatment with hESC therapy. Stem cell therapy is showing promise in the treatment of incurable diseases.

“Following the 3rd session of the treatment, improvement was seen in his expressions, duration of attention as well. hESC treatment helped the boy to subside autism by improving blood perfusion in his brain, improve motor, social and cognition skills as well. The use of human embryonic stem cell therapy is a safe and effective treatment for patients with autism spectrum disorder.”

Dr Shroff, who has treated almost 1500 patients so far with no side effects, has over 40 research papers published in reputed journals in different parts of the world. She has multiple patents in over 65 countries, including the US, Singapore, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, regarding the technology and its therapeutic application.

hESC therapy is followed by SPECT scan to observe the significant improvements in the blood perfusion with the use of nuclear imaging. It is a test used to examine the functioning of organs and the extent of blood perfusion in the brain. This therapy has been effective in improving motor skills, social skills, and cognition in patients with autism spectrum disorder.


About the Author

Dr Geeta Shroff

Author & Entrepreneur

Dr. Geeta Shroff is a graduate in medicine from the University of Delhi. She did her post graduation in Gynecology & Obstetrics. A qualified IVF practitioner with vast knowledge and experience in embryology, she has been trained in all aspects of human stem cell culture, vitrification and thawing techniques. After gaining 8 years of valuable clinical experience at Safdarjung Hospital & Batra Hospital, both large multi-speciality hospitals in Delhi, Dr. Shroff set up her own IVF practice in 1996. Thereafter, she established a multi speciality centre.

Dr. Shroff has presented her work at various national and international forums. She has over 40 publications in international peer reviewed journals.

Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely her own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.


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