No doubt that these personnel will do a tremendous work : M Shashidhar Reddy




The 46 member team of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) under the leadership of Contingent Commander Shri Alok Avasthy, Commandant to conduct search & rescue operations in the aftermath of recent Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, returned from Japan after a successful operation. This was the first ever overseas operation of a NDRF Team since their operationalization in 2006.

Shri M Shashidhar Reddy, Vice Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) felicitated this team in New Delhi today. He said that at the time of team’s departure, he had no doubt that these personnel will do a tremendous work and make the country proud. The team stood upto the expectations of all and has made NDMA and our country proud. He also informed that this team has worked with dedication and professionalism. They recovered 07 dead bodies in their search & rescue operations. In addition, Japanese currency equivalent to Rs. 3 Crores and other jewelries were recovered and handed over to local Police.

Their work was highly appreciated by the Japanese people, he said. After the completion of the operations, the NDRF team was felicitated by Japan’s Ex Prime Minister Mr. Mori and other members of the External Affairs Ministry. It shows the value and admiration of the work of this team in Japan.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Alok Avasthy, Contingent Commander of this team shared his experiences and informed that the team got full cooperation from the Indian Embassy and Japan Government during their operations. He also informed that the Mayors of Rifo and Onagawa especially thanked the team for their dedication during this operation. Shri Avasthy also informed that the NDRF Team was rated the best team among all the international teams who worked in Japan.

Shri J K Sinha, Member, NDMA also commended the work of the team. Members of NDMA, Secretary NDMA and Other officials of NDMA with IG NDRF were also present at this function.


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